This page accompanies the paper Finite connected components of the aliquot graph by Andrew R. Booker.

We computed the finite connected components of the aliquot graph for: (1) all even numbers below 109; (2) all even amicable pairs with smaller number below 1014; (3) all known even perfect and sociable cycles with smallest number below 1017. The connected components can be downloaded in text format (one component per line) or as a graphic (cases (1) and (3) only). For those numbers with potentially infinite connected component, we have recorded an odd number m and indices jk such that sk(n) = sj(m); the files are in text format, with each line in the form n:k=m:j.

finite connected components potentially infinite connected components
all even numbers below 109 text png compressed text (4.5GB, 16GB uncompressed)
amicable pairs below 1014 text text
perfect and sociable cycles below 1017 text png text