Gauss Point

the Gauss point

Here, in the beautiful Deister forest near Springe (where I went to school), is one of the points where Carl Friedrich Gauss carried out his famous triangularization survey. In July 1822 he himself measured with a theodolite the angles of a triangular grid formed by vertex points like the one seen here.

By the way, the Deister is also famous for its large boar population, much appreciated by german emperors (and others) for their culinary value. Have a look at the Saupark home page.

The board says:

Gauss'scher Dreieckspunkt Deister I der hannoverschen Gradmessung 1821-1823. Auf diesem Punkte führte im Juli 1822 der Mathematiker und Geodät Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) Winkelmessungen mit einem Theodoliten durch. Dabei viesierte Gauss bei damals freier Sicht entfernte Zielpunkte in einem Dreiecksnetz an.

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