HSSS book errata

Some errata to the HSSS book
[this file last edited 4 June 2003]

p. 252, line after (6.6)
   "Guidici" should be "Giudici"

p. 295, Acknowledgements:
   "I" should be "We"

p. 299: 
   "Pentinnen" should be Penttinen 

p. 410, equation (9.5)

The integrand should read:

   \left( ( 2-f+ { 2(1-f)\log (1-f) \over f } \right)

and the table of numbers following should be:


p. 459, line 2 after (2.3): 
   "... can be represented in this form, for a particular
   choice of a ${\rm Beta}(1,b)$ distribution for the $B_j$s; ..."
should be 
   "... can be represented in this form, for the particular
   choice of a ${\rm Beta}(1,b)$ distribution for the $B_j$s; ..."

p. 474, start of Sec 11: 
   "That its reach is expanding is witnessed for example by the
   breadth of the contributions in Walker et al.~(1999)." 
should be 
   "That its reach is expanding is witnessed for example by the
   breadth of contributions in and to Walker et al.~(1999)." 

p. 474, 2nd para in Sec 11: 
should be 

p. 476, Hjort (1996):
should be 
   "Bayesian approaches to non- and semiparametric density estimation"

Page maintained by Peter Green, Email link, to whom any further errors found should be notified.