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Tile 4 and Solid 2

Subroutines for creating and manipulating the Dirichlet (Voronoi) tessellation of a set of points in the plane, for natural neighbour interpolation based on the tessellation, and for plotting perspective block views of surfaces. Based on 'Computing Dirichlet tessellations in the plane' by Peter Green and Robin Sibson, Computer Journal 21, 168-173 (1978).

Written in Fortran, by P. J. Green and R. Sibson

Versions dated 1981.

The package of subroutines is divided into 6 sections, in 6 different source files:

t4man.f: manipulation routines
t4que.f: interrogation routines
t4gra.f: graphics routines
t4gen.f: general routines
t4int.f: interpolation routines
t4sol.f: solid plotting routines

(In particular, t4man.f contains the chief driving routine for construction of the tessellation, TILE4M. t4que.f contains various routines for extracting information from the tessellation.)

There are also
  • 6 test programs:
    testa.f, testb.f, testc.f, testd.f, teste.f and testf.f
  • a dummy set of function definition routines: zed.f
  • and a file of dummy plot routines: pldummy.f
    which should be replaced by calls to a local graphics library.
    The source code is available in two formats:
  • Zip file (probably best for PC users) [75407 bytes, expands to 329744]
  • Gzipped tar file (probably best for Unix users) [69153 bytes, makes tar file of 342016 bytes]
    Please note that no documentation is available, nor can any advice with the routines be offered. You will have to rely on the (copious) comments embedded in the source files.
    This software was first developed while the originators were at the University of Bath.

  • Professor Peter Green, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TW, UK.
    Email link Telephone: +44 (0)117 928 7967; Fax: +44 (0)117 928 7999
    Peter in Chinese characters email as QR barcode