Errata to 1st and 2nd printing of Nonparametric regression and generalized linear models, by Green and Silverman p.51: equation (3.41). Reinsch's motivation was actually the reverse of what we say here - he wanted to minimise the roughness penalty subject to an upper bound on the error sum of squares. We are grateful to Carl de Boor (Madison) for pointing this out. p.34: The second and third displayed equations are incorrect: They should read (using TeX style formatting): \bar{b}{i,i+1} = - L_{i+1,i}\bar{b}{i+1,i+1} - L_{i+2,i}\bar{b}{i+1,i+2} \bar{b}{i,i+2} = - L_{i+1,i}\bar{b}{i+1,i+2} - L_{i+2,i}\bar{b}{i+2,i+2} We are grateful to Erik Leertouwer (Groningen) and Berwin Turlach (ANU) for pointing this out. p.46: In line 15, X_{ij} should be defined as $\beta_j(t_i)$. p.97: The second to last displayed equation should have derivatives with respect to \beta not \eta on the left hand side, thus: $$ \left\{ E \left( - \frac{\partial ^2 \ell} {\partial \beta \partial \beta ^T} \right) \right\} ^{-1} = \phi (X^TWX) ^{-1} . $$ We are grateful to Art Owen (Stanford) for pointing this out. ------------------------------ Errata to 1st printing of Nonparametric regression and generalized linear models, by Green and Silverman p.68: In the theorem, it should be assumed that A and C are symmetric. p.100, line -9: replace sentence by The off-diagonal elements are just -\alpha K_{ij}. p.128, one third way down: display should read N g = S(z-X beta) Also, a non-iterative solution to (5.24) is available in this case. p.131: The W's and u's -> The u's and W's We apologise to M. F. Hutchinson for consistently mis-spelling his name. There are a number of errors in grammar, and trivial typos. All of these are corrected in the 2nd printing (May/June 1995). ------------------------------ Please keep advising us of any further errors you encounter.