Tanniemola B. Liverpool
Professor of Theoretical Physics

Mathematics of Soft Matter and Biological Physics
BA, MA Natural Sciences (Physics) Cambridge University
PhD (Theoretical Physics) Cambridge University

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Biological Physics
Soft Matter & Complex Fluids
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I am in the Institute of Applied Mathematics within the School of Mathematics at Bristol University. My research primarily involves mathematical (theoretical) descriptions of complex fluids (membranes, polymers, gels, ...). I am particularly interested in the study of "soft biological matter" (DNA, proteins, the cytoskeleton, gene regulation, ...), and the organising principles behind this highly interesting active (living) state of matter. My approach to these problems combines the angle (point of view) of a condensed matter physicist (or statistical mechanic) with that of an applied mathematician.
In addition I teach the odd course or two.


  1. Equation of state for active matter
    Cameron, S., Mosayebi, M., Bennett, R. & Liverpool, T. B.
    Physical Review E. 108, 014608 (2023)

  2. Active Brownian particles in random and porous environments
    Moore, F., Russo, J., Liverpool, T. B. & Royall, C. P.
    Journal of Chemical Physics 158, 104907 (2023)

  3. Deep learning for rapid analysis of cell divisions in vivo during epithelial morphogenesis and repair
    Turley, J. M., Chenchiah, I. V., Martin, P. B., Liverpool, T. B. & Weavers, H.
    eLife 12 : RP87949 https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.87949.1 (2023)

  4. Dynamics and interactions of Quincke roller clusters: From orbits and flips to excited states
    Mauleon Amieva, A., Allen, M. P., Liverpool, T. B. & Royall, C. P.
    Science Advances. 96, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adf5144 (2023)

  5. Fluctuations of cell geometry and their nonequilibrium thermodynamics in living epithelial tissue
    Olenik, M., Turley, J., Cross, S., Weavers, H., Martin, P., Chenchiah, I. V. & Liverpool, T. B.
    Physical Review E. 107, 014403 (2023)

  6. Necking and failure of a particulate gel strand: signatures of yielding on different length scales
    Thijssen, K., Liverpool, T.B., Royall, C.P. & Jack, R.L.,
    Soft Matter 19 (38), 7412-7428 (2023)

  7. Rheology of Suspensions of Flat Elastic Particles
    Eggers, J., Liverpool, T.B. & Mietke, A.
    Physical Review Letters 131, 194002 (2023)

  8. Mechanochemical Active Feedback Generates Convergence Extension in Epithelial Tissue
    Ioratim-Uba, A., Liverpool, T.B. & Henkes, S.
    Physical Review Letters 131, 238301 (2023)

  9. The biological control of living systems calls for new laws of statistical mechanics
    Liverpool, T. & Sasamoto, T.
    Nature Physics 19, 1740 - 1741 (2023)
Full List

Office: Room 1A.05, Fry Building, School of Mathematics
Mail: School of Mathematics,
University of Bristol, bris
Fry Building, Bristol, BS8 1UG, UK
Phone: +44-(0)117-928 9838 (office) 7999 (fax)
E-mail: t.liverpool(at)bristol.ac.uk

Last modified July 2023