Thomas Jordan's Home Page

What I'm Doing

I am a lecturer in the ergodic theory group in the maths department at the University of Bristol. I was previously a research assistant at Warwick University. I did my PhD with Mark Pollicott . A copy of my thesis can be found here (warning 10 mb). Currently my main area of research is in the dimension theory of dynamical systems and in particular the properties of self-similar and self-affine sets as well as multifractal analysis. I also work on the thermodynamic formalism and on Fourier transforms of measures.


In 2019/2020 I will be teaching the first half of first year analysis (Analysis A) and dynamical systems and ergodic theory. Material for these units will be available on blackboard.


Dimension of fat Sierpinski gaskets (Appeared in 'Real Analysis Exchange' 31 (2005/06), no.1, 97-110).
Measures supported on fat Sierpinski carpets (Joint with Mark Pollicott. Appeared in 'Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 'This paper also has an appendix. Appendix: Positive measure self-similar sets without interior (Joint with Marianna Csornyei, Mark Pollicott, David Preiss and Boris Solomyak. Also appeared in 'Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems'.)
Multifractal analysis and the variance of Gibbs measures (joint with Mark Pollicott. Appeared in 'The Journal of the LMS').
Hausdorff dimension for randomly perturbed self affine attractors (joint with Mark Pollicott and Karoly Simon. Appeared in 'Communications in Mathematical Physics').
The Hausdorff dimension of measures for iterated function systems which contract on average (joint with Mark Pollicott. Appeared in 'Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems').
Multifractal analysis for Birkhoff averages for some self-affine iterated function system (joint with Karoly Simon. Appeared in 'Dynamical systems; an International Journal').
My more recent papers can be viewed here on Arxiv.

Conferences and workshops coming up

Probability, Analysis and Dynamics 22 , Date to be confirmed (likely to be April 2022).

Conferences and Workshops Jointly Organised

A Conference on dynamical systems at Warwick, August 2007.
Projection and sliicing theorems in fractal geometry, Bristol June 2014
Special session of the 2016 BMC on ergodic theory, Bristol April 2016
Probabiltiy, analysis and dynamics 18 , Bristol April 2018
Thermodynamic formalism in dynamical systems , ICMS June 2018
Thermodynamic formalism: ergodic theory and geometry, Warwick July 2019
LMS spouth west and south wales regional meeting and workshop, Bristol January 15-17 2020. (On interactions between geometry, dynamics and group theory)
Probability, Analysis and Dynamics 22 , Bristol April 2022
Workshop on affine and overlapping iterated function systems , Bristol, May 2022

Mathematical Links

Bristol dynamical systems and ergodic theory seminar.
One day ergodic theory meetings (funded by a scheme 3 LMS grant)
St. Andrews site on the history of Mathematics.

Other Links

Train times
The Guardian

Contact Details

My departmental address is
Office 1.13
Fry Building
Woodland Road
email: thomas.jordan (followed by the usual)
phone: +44 117 4284888