Galois representations TCC Spring 2025
Fridays 10-12 from 24 January to 21 March 2025 (8 weeks)
Course overview
This is an introduction to the theory of Galois representations and
L-functions. My current plan, subject to reality, is to cover the following topics:
Riemann ζ-function and L-functions of Dirichlet characters
Number fields and Artin representations
L-functions of Artin representations as pieces of Dedekind ζ-functions
Artin formalism
l-adic representations coming from elliptic curves
Good reduction and bad reduction
Weil and Weil-Deligne representations (local case)
Compatible systems of l-adic representations (global case)
Links, big conjectures, what is known
Galois representations and L-functions are a big subject, with links to modular forms
(Samir Siksek's course), elliptic curves, étale cohomology,
proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, algebraic groups, and the Langlands program.
They are quite central to modern number theory, but this also makes them difficult to
study - they rely on numerous neighbouring areas and the full theory requires a lot of background.
Here is what the course will use:
Galois theory
Number fields (though I will not need unit groups or class groups)
Representation theory of finite groups would be helpful
Having seen elliptic curves (torsion and Tate module) would be good for the second part of the course
p-adic numbers and their extensions would also help
It is unreasonable to expect that you have seen all of this, and I hope you can enjoy the course
without some of these topics. However, if you are willing to read about some of this in advance,
you will probably enjoy it more.
Passing the course
If you are taking the course for credit, please complete and return the homework assignment.
Course notes
Lecture 1 - Riemann and Dedekind zeta-functions
Lecture 2 - Dirichlet L-functions and Hecke characters
Lecture 3 - Decomposition, inertia and Frobenius
Lecture 4 - Artin representations and permutation representations
Lecture 5 - Artin formalism, Gamma factors, sign and conductors
Lecture 6 - Zeta functions of varieties, etale cohomology
Lecture 7 - Compatible systems, Tate module of an elliptic curve
Lecture 8 - Tate curve, additive reduction, L-function of an elliptic curve
Questions/comments to Tim Dokchitser