Antonin Monteil

antonin.monteil -at-
Massif de la Chartreuse

I am currently postdoc at the University of Bristol (UoB). My postdoc is under the supervision of Jonathan Robins and Valeriy V. Slastikov.

My PhD thesis was carried out at the University of Paris-Sud, under the supervision of Radu Ignat (IMT, University of Toulouse) and Filippo Santambrogio (ICJ, University of Claude Bernard - Lyon 1); it was defended on December 7, 2015.

My research interests include non linear analysis, Sobolev spaces between Riemannian manifolds, branched transportation, gamma-convergence, Ginzburg-Landau and Micromagnetics.

Email: antonin.monteil -at-

Office: Mathematics 1A.07

University of Bristol
School of Mathematics
Fry building
Woodland Road
Bristol BS8 1UG
United Kingdom