Calculate plotting information for a density estimate.
Calculates plotting information for a wavelet density estimate from
high level scaling function coefficients.
denplot(wr, coef, nT=20, lims, n=50)
- wr
- Scaling function coefficients, usually at some high level and usually
smoothed (thresholded).
- coef
- The output from denproj for this analysis, i.e.
the object containing the empirical scaling function coefficients. This
is required because of the information it contains about the wavelet
filter used, the resolution of the projection, and the bounds on the
translation index of the scaling function coefficients.
- lims
- Vector containing the minimum and maximum x values required on the plot.
- nT
- The number of iterations to be performed in the Daubechies-Lagarias
algorithm, which is used to evaluate the scaling functions of the
specified wavelet basis at the plotting points.
- n
- The number of points at which the density estimate is to be evaluated.
A list with components:
- x
- The points at which the density estimate is evaluated.
- y
- The values of the density estimate at the points in x.
The density estimate is evaluated at n points between the values in lims.
This function can be used to plot the empirical scaling function density
estimate by entering wr=coef$coef
, but since the empirical
coefficients are usually found at some very high resolution, such a plot
will be very noisy and not very informative. This function will be of much
more use as and when thresholding function are included in this density
estimation package.
# Simulate data from the claw density and find the
# empirical scaling function coefficients at a lowish resolution and plot
# the resulting density estimate
data <- rclaw(100)
datahr <- denproj(data, J=3, filter.number=2,family="DaubExPhase")
datapl <- denplot(datahr$coef, datahr, lims=c(-3,3), n=1000)
plot(datapl, type="l")
David Herrick