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2012 Daniel Lawson.
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7 FineSTRUCTUREListing 13:
Usage: finestructure [OPTIONS] datafile <initialpopfile> outputfile Datafile is a matrix of copy counts. initialpopfile (optional) is a population state e.g. an outputfile. outputfile is the destination. IMPORTANT OPTIONS FOR BASIC USAGE: -m <method> Method to use. Default: oMCMC. <method> is either oMCMC (MCMC without tree), Tree, or a contraction of either. -x <num> Number of burn in iterations for MCMC method (default: 1000). -y <num> Number of sample iterations for MCMC method (default: 1000). -z <num> Thin interval in the output file, for MCMC method (default: 1). -t <num> Maximum number of tree comparisons for splitting/merging (default: 1500). -v Verbose mode -V Print Version info -h This help message -H More detailed help with all options listed IMPORTANT OPTIONS FOR TREE BUILDING: -T <type> When using a merge tree, initialisation can be set to the following: 1: Use the "Maximum concordance State" as used by Leslie et al 2015 (PoBI paper, Nature). 3: Perform full range of moves to to get to best posterior state. This is the default. Set number of attempts with -x <num>, disable any change to the state with -x 0. -k <num> Change the tree building algorithm. 0: Discard all ordering and likelihood information (default). 2: Maintain ordering and likelihood. IMPORTANT EXTRACTION FROM THE MCMC OUTPUT: -e <name> Extract details from a state; can be (a unique contraction of): X2: the normalised copying matrix (specify <chunkcounts.out> <optional mcmc.xml> <output>) X: the copying data matrix for populations (specify <chunkcounts.out> <mcmc.xml> <output>) meancoincidence: the mean coincidence matrix (specify <chunkcounts.out> <mcmc.xml> <output>) maxstate: maximum observed posterior probability state (specify <chunkcounts.out> <mcmc.xml> <output>) popidfile: extract a ChromoPainterv2 idfile containing population information from the best population state. This consists of names\tpopulation tags\t1 (the final 1 is for inclusion) (specify <chunkcounts.out> <tree.xml> <output>) range:<from>:<to> gets the iterations in the specified range. (specify <chunkcount.out> <optional mcmc.xml> <output.xml>) thin:<step>: thins the output by step. (specify <chunkcount.out> <optional mcmc.xml> <output.xml>) FIXING SOME POPULATIONS: -F <filename> Fix the populations specified in the file. They should be specified as population format, i.e. PopA(ind1,ind2) would fix the data rows ind1 and ind2 to always be in the same population (they form a 'super individual') called PopA. Continents are specified with a ⋆ before the name, and are treated specially in the tree building phase, i.e. ⋆ContA(ind1,ind2). Continents are not merged with the rest of the tree. Examples: finestructure -x 100000 -y 100000 -z 1000 datafile.csv out.mcmc.xml Infers population structure using MCMC from datafile.csv. 100000 burn in steps are used (-x) and 100000 further iterations are sampled (-y) keeping every 1000th sample (-z). finestructure -x 0 -y 100000 -z 1000 datafile.csv out.mcmc.xml out.mcmc.longer.xml continue the previous run for 100K additional steps, treating the original run as burnin. finestructure -m T -x 0 datafile.csv out.mcmc.xml out.tree.xml Infers a tree, using the best state seen in out.mcmc.xml as the initial state. finestructure -m T -k 2 -T 1 datafile.csv out.mcmc.xml out.tree.xml Infers a tree, using (-T 1) the maximum concordance state over out.mcmc.xml as the initial state. This is reported with full likelihood ordering (-k 2), useful for cutting at a given number of ppulations K (but may look bad in the GUI). |