Search, MathSciNet, Google Scholar, Pure or Orcid for my papers.

Public engagement

I have written for a general audience in the Observer and Guardian (book review), discussed my book Numbercrunch on BBC World Service More or Less and write articles on my Substack. There is a video of my Oxford Maths Public Lecture on Youtube. I have written some non-technical articles regarding the COVID pandemic, including for The Spectator and Plus. An incomplete list of my recent activities of this kind is on Pure. I was interviewed about my experiences of public engagement for Significance magazine, Nature and The Ruffian. I spoke at the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, the first RSS COVID evidence session and the Royal Society modelling wrap-up event.

Books and surveys

Heligo Books, 2023 (324 pages).

'Group testing: an information theory perspective' (cowritten with M.Aldridge and J.Scarlett)
Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory, vol 15/3-4, 2019, pages 196-392

'Entropy and thinning of discrete random variables'
The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, vol 161, 2017, pages 33-53

'Information theory and the Central Limit Theorem', Imperial College Press, 2004 (224 pages) (with errata list).

Preprints and papers in review

'The double emulator' (cowritten with C. Crilly, A. Lewis, J. Rougier)

'Finite de Finetti bounds in relative entropy' (cowritten with L. Gavalakis, I. Kontoyiannis)

'Relative entropy bounds for sampling with and without replacement' (cowritten with L. Gavalakis, I. Kontoyiannis)

'A de Bruijn identity for symmetric stable laws'

Published papers

'Small error algorithms for tropical group testing' (cowritten with V. Paligadu, M. Aldridge)
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol 70/10, 2024, pages 7232-7250

'Information-theoretic convergence of extreme values to the Gumbel distribution'
Journal of Applied Probability, vol 61/1, 2024, pages 244-254

'Physical Layer Protection Against Relay/Replay Attacks for Short-Range Systems' (cowritten with C.Paschou, A.Doufexi, Z.Zhu)
IEEE WCNC 2023, 2023, pages 1-6

'A negative binomial approximation in group testing' (cowritten with L.Yu and F.Daly)
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, vol 37/4, 2023, pages 973-996

'Improved bounds for noisy group testing with constant tests per item' (cowritten with O.Gebhard, P.Loick and M.Rolvien)
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 68/4, 2022, pages 2604-2621

'A Lightweight protocol for validating proximity in UHF RFID systems' (cowritten with C.Paschou, A.Doufexi, Z.Zhu)
2021 IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Fall), 2021, pages 1-7

'Public Engagement 280 Characters at a Time'
Math in the Time of Corona, A. Wonders (ed.). Springer, 2021, pages 177-180

'Increasing the Secrecy Gap in Quasi-Static Rayleigh Channels with Secret Splitting' (cowritten with C. Paschou, A. Doufexi, Z. Zhu, W. H. Chin)
IEEE Global Communications Workshops (GC Wkshps 2020), 2020, pages 1-7

'Maximal correlation and the rate of Fisher information convergence in the Central Limit Theorem'
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 66/8, 2020, pages 4992-5002

'Noisy Non-Adaptive Group Testing: A (Near-)Definite Defectives Approach' (cowritten with J.Scarlett)
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 66/6, 2020, pages 3775-3797

'A proof of the Shepp-Olkin entropy monotonicity conjecture' (cowritten with E.Hillion)
Electronic Journal of Probability, vol 24/126, 2019, pages 1-14

'Encrypted Databases: New Volume Attacks against Range Queries' (cowritten with Z.Gui and B.Warinschi)
ACM CCS 2019: 26th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2019, pages 361-378.

'A convex scheme for the secrecy capacity of a MIMO wiretap channel with a single antenna eavesdropper' (cowritten with J.Chakravarty and R.Piechocki)
2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2019, pages 1-5

'Performance of group testing with near-constant tests-per-item' (cowritten with M.Aldridge and J.Scarlett)
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 65/2, 2019, pages 707-723

'An extremal property of the normal distribution, with a discrete analog' (cowritten with E.Hillion and A.Saumard)
Statistics and Probability Letters, vol 145, 2019, pages 181-186

'Relaxation of monotone coupling conditions: Poisson approximation and beyond' (cowritten with F.Daly)
Journal of Applied Probability, vol 55/3, 2018, pages 742-759

'Reliability of Broadcast Communications Under Sparse Random Linear Network Coding' (cowritten with S.Brown and A.Tassi)
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol 67/5, 2018, pages 4677-4682

'A strong converse bound for multiple hypothesis testing, with applications to high-dimensional estimation' (cowritten with R.Venkataramanan)
Electronic Journal of Statistics, vol 12/1, 2018, pages 1126-1149

'A discrete log-Sobolev inequality under a Bakry-Émery type condition'
Annales de l Institut Henri Poincaré B (Probability and Statistics), vol 53/4, 2017, pages 1952-1970

'Strong converses for group testing using finite blocklength results'
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 63/9, 2017, pages 5923-5933

'A de Bruijn identity for discrete random variables' (cowritten with S.Guha)
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany, July 2017, 2017, pages 898-902

'A proof of the Shepp-Olkin entropy concavity conjecture' (cowritten with E.Hillion)
Bernoulli, vol 23/4B, 2017, pages 3638-3649

'Improved group testing rates with constant column weight designs' (cowritten with M.Aldridge and J.Scarlett)
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Barcelona, Spain, July 2016, 2016, pages 1381-1385

'Discrete versions of the transport equation and the Shepp-Olkin conjecture' (cowritten with E.Hillion)
Annals of Probability, vol 44/1, 2016, pages 276-306

'A hybrid TIM-NOMA scheme for the broadcast channel' (cowritten with V.Kalokidou and R.Piechocki)
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Wireless Spectrum, vol 1/3, 2015, e4

'A hybrid TIM-NOMA scheme for the SISO Broadcast Channel' (cowritten with V.Kalokidou and R.Piechocki)
IEEE ICC 2015 - International Workshop on Advances in Software Defined and Context Aware Cognitive Networks 2015 : IEEE SCAN-2015, 2015, pages 387-392.

'Using electric network theory to model the spread of oak processionary moth, Thaumetopoea processionea, in urban woodland patches' (cowritten with D.Cowley and M.Pocock)
Landscape Ecology, vol 30/5, 2015, pages 905-918

'Non-parametric change-point detection using string matching algorithms' (cowritten with D.Sejdinovic, J.Cruise, A.Ganesh and R.Piechocki)
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, vol 16/4, 2014, pages 987-1008

'The capacity of non-identical group testing' (cowritten with T.Kealy and R.Piechocki)
52nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing 2014, pages 101-108

'Blind Interference Alignment in general heterogeneous networks' (cowritten with V.Kalokidou and R.Piechocki)
2014 IEEE PIMRC 2014, pages 816-820

'A natural derivative on [0,n] and a binomial Poincaré inequality' (cowritten with E.Hillion and Y.Yu)
ESAIM Probability and Statistics, vol 18, 2014, pages 703-712

'Group testing algorithms: bounds and simulations' (cowritten with M.Aldridge and L.Baldassini)
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 60/6, 2014, pages 3671-3687

'The capacity of adaptive group testing' (cowritten with L.Baldassini and M.Aldridge)
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013, 2013, pages 2676-2680

'Bounds on the Poincaré constant under negative dependence' (cowritten with F. Daly)
Statistics and Probability Letters, vol 83, 2013, pages 511-518

'Log-concavity, ultra-log-concavity, and a maximum entropy property of discrete compound Poisson measures' (cowritten with I.Kontoyiannis and M.Madiman)
Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol 161/9, 2013, pages 1232-1250

'Delay-rate tradeoff in ergodic interference alignment' (cowritten with M.Aldridge and R.Piechocki)
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Boston MA, July 2012, 2012, pages 2636-2640

'Succintly assessing the topological importance of species in flower-pollinator networks' (cowritten with M.Pocock and D.Wasiuk)
Ecological Complexity, vol 8/3, 2011, pages 265-272

'Interference alignment-based sum capacity bounds for random dense Gaussian interference networks' (cowritten with M.Aldridge and R.Piechocki)
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol 57/1, 2011, pages 282-290

'Monotonicity, thinning and discrete versions of the Entropy Power Inequality' (cowritten with Y.Yu)
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol 56/11, 2010, pages 5387-5395

'Note on Noisy Group Testing: Asymptotic Bounds and Belief Propagation Reconstruction' (cowritten with D.Sejdinovic)
Forty-Eighth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, September 29 - October 1, 2010, Monticello, IL, USA, 2010, pages 998-1003

'Compound Poisson Approximation via Information Functionals' (cowritten with A.D.Barbour, I.Kontoyiannis and M.Madiman)
Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol 15, 2010, pages 1344-1369

'Thinning, Entropy and the Law of Thin Numbers' (cowritten with I.Kontoyiannis and P.Harremoës)
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol 56/9, 2010, pages 4228-4244

'Asymptotic Sum-Capacity of Random Gaussian Interference Networks Using Interference Alignment' (cowritten with M.Aldridge and R.Piechocki)
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Austin, Texas, June 2010, pages 410-414

'A criterion for the compound Poisson distribution to be maximum entropy' (cowritten with I.Kontoyiannis and M.Madiman)
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Seoul, South Korea, July 2009, pages 1899-1903

'Concavity of entropy under thinning' (cowritten with Y.Yu)
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Seoul, South Korea, July 2009, pages 144-148

'Theoretical properties of Cook's PFC dimension reduction algorithm for linear regression'
Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol 2, 2008, pages 807-828

'Thinning and information projections' (cowritten with P.Harremoës and I.Kontoyiannis)
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Toronto, Canada, July 2008, pages 2644-2648

'Thinning and the law of small numbers' (cowritten with P.Harremoës and I.Kontoyiannis)
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Nice, France, June 2007, pages 1491-1495

'Fisher information, compound Poisson approximation, and the Poisson channel' (cowritten with M.Madiman and I.Kontoyiannis)
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Nice, France, June 2007, pages 976-980

'Log-concavity and the maximum entropy property of the Poisson distribution'
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol 117/6, 2007, pages 791-802

'Some results concerning maximum Renyi entropy distributions' (cowritten with C.Vignat)
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probability and Statistics, Vol 43/3, 2007, pages 339-351

'A Central Limit Theorem for non-overlapping return times'
Journal of Applied Probability, Vol 43/1, 2006, pages 32-47

'Preservation of log-concavity on summation' (cowritten with C.A.Goldschmidt)
ESAIM Probability and Statistics, Vol 10, 2006, pages 206-215

'Stakes and chips'
Significance, Vol 3/1, 2006, pages 22-25

'An information-theoretic Central Limit Theorem for finitely susceptible FKG systems'
Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya, Vol 50/2, 2005, pages 331-343
Also in Theory of Probability and Its Applications, Vol 50/2, 2006, pages 214-224

'Central Limit Theorem and convergence to stable laws in Mallows distance' (cowritten with R.J.Samworth)
Bernoulli, Vol 11/5, 2005, pages 829-845

'Entropy and the Law of Small Numbers' (cowritten with I.Kontoyiannis and P.Harremoës)
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol 51/2, 2005, pages 466-472

'A Conditional Entropy Power Inequality for dependent variables'
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol 50/8, 2004, pages 1581-1583

'Fisher information inequalities and the Central Limit Theorem' (cowritten with A.R.Barron)
Probability Theory and Related Fields, Vol 129/3, 2004, pages 391-409

'Convergence of the Poincaré Constant'
Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya, Vol 48/3, 2003, pages 615-620
Also in Theory of Probability and Its Applications, Vol 48/3, 2004, pages 535-541

'Entropy and a generalisation of Poincaré's Observation'
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol 135/2, 2003, pages 375-384

'Text, bytes and videotape'
Plus Magazine, Issue 23, 2003.

'The von Neumann entropy and information rate for integrable quantum Gibbs ensembles 2' (cowritten with Y.M.Suhov)
Quantum Computers and Computing, Vol 4/1, 2003, pages 128-143

'The von Neumann entropy and information rate for integrable quantum Gibbs ensembles' (cowritten with Y.M.Suhov)
Quantum Computers and Computing, Vol 3/1, 2002, pages 3-24

'Information inequalities and a dependent Central Limit Theorem'
Markov Processes and Related Fields, Vol 7/4, 2001, pages 627-645

'Entropy and Random Vectors' (cowritten with Y.M.Suhov)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol 104/1, 2001, pages 147-167

'Entropy and convergence on compact groups' (cowritten with Y.M.Suhov)
Journal of Theoretical Probability, Vol 13/3, 2000, pages 843-857

'Entropy Inequalities and the Central Limit Theorem'
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol 88/2, 2000, pages 291-304