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Statistics 1 (Math 11400) Books page

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Recommended books

The recommended textbook for the unit is:

  • Mathematical statistics and data analysis by JA Rice

The book by Rice covers both the Probability and the Statistics material and will probably cover some of the second year Statistics unit as well. It is particularly good at combining modern ideas of data analysis, using graphical and computational techniques, with more traditional approaches to mathematical statistics.

The statistical package R will frequently be used to illustrate ideas in lectures and you will be expected to use it for set work. Although the examination will not require writing R code, you may be expected to understand and interpret examples of R output, similar to those seen in the unit. The notes and handouts should provide sufficient information, but a good introductory text for further reading is:

  • Introductory Statistics with R by Peter Dalgaard

It will be particularly useful for students who intend to continue studying statistics in their second, third (and fourth) year.

Other Statistics books

There are many other excellent books covering much the same material on probability and mathematical statistics as Rice, though often they lack the coverage of data analysis. Some of the ones that have been recommended at various times are listed below in no particular order, but you should browse through the books in the library to find one you like.

  • Probability and Statistics, MH DeGroot and MJ Schervish
  • Mathematical statistics, JE Freund
  • Probability and statistics, MH DeGroot
  • Statistical theory, BW Lindgren
  • Introduction to the theory of statistics, AM Mood, FA Graybill and DC Boes
  • Introduction to mathematical statistics, RV Hogg and AT Craig
  • Introduction to probability theory and statistical inference, HJ Larson
The book by Moore & McCabe is much more readable than the others, though somewhat lighter on mathematical details.
  • Introduction to the practice of statistics, DS Moore and GP McCabe
The book by Tukey is somewhat different from all the others, and presents a more exploratory and less mathematical approach to the subject.
  • Exploratory data analysis, JW Tukey

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Professor Peter Green, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TW, UK.
Email link Telephone: +44 (0)117 928 7967; Fax: +44 (0)117 928 7999
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