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PJG Home

Sources page

Statistical research: some advice for beginners: excellent advice from Michael Hamada and Randy Sitter on how to start research, aimed at PhD students. Note that in one or two places, it assumes you are in the US system, where a PhD programme includes coursework.


http://www.lib.bristol.ac.uk/ALEPH/ library catalogue
http://www.bris.ac.uk/is/ Information services - giving access to (e.g.):
Databases (including http://wok.mimas.ac.uk/ the Web of Knowledge, for Science Citation Index, etc.)
Electronic journals (go direct to JStor at http://www.jstor.ac.uk )
Internet searching


The computing you need (as a postgraduate student in the mathematical sciences) : powerpoint | pdf handout

The R system

The R system
Local material on R


(for technical writing: papers, theses, etc., and also overhead slides)
Files for my demo document: LaTeX source, PostScript figure, instructions, output in Postscript, and output in PDF.
File for my demo overheads: LaTeX source, output in Postscript, and output in PDF.
Zip archive of files demonstrating making pdf slides for LaTeX, suitable for direct display using data projector

Slides in pdf, the easy way

Writing a web page

Simple example web page used in AST lecture.


An excellent Linux/Unix environment that runs under Windows, allowing you the best of both worlds: Cygwin
Notes on installing Cygwin

Staff development courses

Detailed directory

Computing service courses and documents

Full programme of computer service courses
Computing services

Professor Peter Green, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TW, UK.
Email link Telephone: +44 (0)117 928 7967; Fax: +44 (0)117 928 7999
Peter in Chinese characters email as QR barcode