Antonin Monteil

antonin.monteil -at-

2019-: I give tutorial classes for undergraduate students at UoB.

2017-2019: I gave a course on Calculus of Variations and convex duality for Master students at UCLouvain. Informations available on the UCL website.

2012-2016: Moniteur at University of Paris-Sud; I have been charged of tutorial classes for:

2015-2016: Linear and non-linear elliptic equations, M2 AMS and AAG.

2015-2016: Topology and differential calculus (Math 205), L2 mathématics.

2012-2016: Linear algebra and calculus for L1 students (L1 PCST and MPI).
All informations available on dokeos.

2014-2015: Elliptic Equations and Calculus of variations, EDPCS and AAG, M2 MFA.
All informations available on Filippo Santambrogio's homepage.

2012: Matlab for L3 students.