threshold.imwd(imwd, levels = 3:(imwd$nlevels - 1), type = "hard", policy = "universal", by.level = F, value = 0, dev = var, verbose = F, return.threshold = F, compression = T, Q = 0.05)
Only the levels in this vector contribute to the computation of the
threshold and its application. (except for the fdr
or "soft"
The policies are described in detail below.
. If TRUE a threshold
is computed and applied separately to each scale level.
then value
is the actual
threshold value;
then value
the the user supplied quantile level.
function. A popular, useful and
robust alternative is the madmad function.
option above is TRUE, otherwise a
imwd object is returned. In either case the
returned object contains the thresholded coefficients.
Note that if the
option is set to TRUE then the threshold
values will be returned rather than the thresholded object.
The basic idea of thresholding is very simple. In a signal plus noise
model the wavelet transform of an image is very sparse, the wavelet
transform of noise is not (in particular, if the noise is iid Gaussian
then so if the noise contained in the wavelet coefficients). Thus since
the image gets concentrated in few wavelet coefficients and the noise
remains "spread" out it is "easy" to separate the signal from noise
by keeping large coefficients (which correspond to true image) and
delete the small ones (which correspond to noise). However, one has
to have some idea of the noise level (computed using the dev
option in threshold functions). If the noise level is very large then
it is possible, as usual, that no image coefficients "stick up" above the noise.
There are many components to a successful thresholding procedure. Some components have a larger effect than others but the effect is not the same in all practical data situations. Here we give some rough practical guidance, although you must refer to the papers below when using a particular technique. You cannot expect to get excellent performance on all signals unless you fully understand the rationale and limitations of each method below. I am not in favour of the "black-box" approach. The thresholding functions of WaveThresh3 are not a black box: experience and judgement are required!
Some issues to watch for:
levels = 3:(wd$nlevels - 1)
for the
option most certainly does not work globally for
all data problems and situations. The level at which thresholding begins
(i.e. the given threshold and finer scale wavelets) is called the
primary resolution and is unique to a particular problem.
In some ways choice of the primary resolution is very similar to choosing
the bandwidth in kernel regression albeit on a logarithmic scale.
See Hall and Patil, (1995) and
Hall and Nason (1997) for more information.
For each data problem you need to work out which is the best
primary resolution. This can be done by gaining experience at what works
best, or using prior knowledge. It is possible to "automatically" choose
a "best" primary resolution using cross-validation (but not in WaveThresh).
Secondly the levels argument computes and applies the threshold at the
levels specified in the levels
argument. It does this for
all the levels specified. Sometimes, in wavelet shrinkage, the threshold
is computed using only the finest scale coefficients (or more precisely
the estimate of the overall noise level). If you want your threshold
variance estimate only to use the finest scale coefficients (e.g.
with universal thresholding) then you will have to apply the
function twice. Once (with levels set equal to
and with
to return the threshold computed on
the finest scale and then apply the threshold function with the
option supplying the value of the previously computed
threshold as the value
Note that the fdr
policy does its own thing.
to pass the
value of the threshold. The value
argument should be a vector.
If it is of length 1 then it is replicated to be the same length as the
vector, otherwise it is repeated as many times as is
necessary to be the levels
vector's length. In this way,
different thresholds can be supplied for different levels. Note that the
option has no effect with this policy.
policy works as follows. All coefficients that
are smaller than the value
th quantile of the coefficients are
set to zero. If by.level
is false, then the quantile is computed
for all coefficients in the levels specified by the "levels" vector;
if by.level
is true, then each level's quantile is estimated separately.
The probability policy is pretty stupid - do not use it.
# # Let's use the lennon test image. Lennon has 256x256 pixels with the # range of pixel values being 0 to 249. # image(lennon) # # # Now let's do the 2D discrete wavelet transform with the default arguments. # lwd <- imwd(lennon) # # Let's look at the coefficients # plot(lwd) # # Let's explain the plot. The plot consists of a number of subimages. # Each subimage corresponds to wavelet coefficients at different scales # and different orientations. See the help for imwd # but here is a brief description. Each scale contains three orientations: # horizontal, vertical and diagonal. The plot contains all the scales and # all the orientations. The three large subimages at the top left, top right # and bottom right are the finest scale detail in the vertical, diagonal and # horizontal directions. The next largest three subimages tucked under the # previous mentioned are the same orientations but at the next coarser scale. # As one moves to the bottom left of the whole image the scale of the images # gets coarser and coarser. For 256^2 pixels there are log_2(256)=8 scales # of subimages although it is harded to see some of the smaller, coarser # scales. # # You can get to see coarser scales by extracting the coefficients out # using the function. # # # Now let's threshold the coefficients # lwdT <- threshold(lwd) # # And let's plot those the thresholded coefficients # plot(lwdT) # # Note that the only remaining coefficients are down in the bottom # left hand corner of the plot. All the others (black) have been set # to zero (i.e. thresholded).