Next: Numerical methods
Up: Traces and determinants of
Previous: Introduction
The goal is to determine the long time properties of stochastic dynamical
systems, here one dimensional maps with additive noise:
(1) |
where f(x) is a known function, for example the logistic map
(2) |
is a measure of the strength of the noise, and
are independent identically distributed random variables with
unit variance,
(3) |
such as a normalized Gaussian distribution. The methods used
here are equally applicable to
that depend on x, and
non-Gaussian noise distributions.
Instead of the Langevin form (1) it is more convenient to consider
the discrete Fokker-Planck equation for a probability distribution
transported by the dynamics and diffusing due to the noise:

=\int \delta_\sigma(x-f(x'))\rho_n(x')dx'
\end{displaymath}](img15.gif) |
(4) |
is the noise kernel, for example
(5) |
reducing to a Dirac
in the deterministic
Long time properties of the dynamics are obtained from the leading
eigenvalue(s) of the linear evolution operator
which are
(the inverses of) solutions of the characteristic equation
(6) |
For example, the probability of a point initially in an open system
remaining there after n iterations is typically proportional to
where the escape rate
is related to the
leading zero z0 by
(7) |
Dynamical averages and diffusion coefficients can be obtained from the
leading zero of appropriately weighted evolution operators [1,2,3].
The spectral determinant (6) of an infinite dimensional operator
may be defined by its cumulant expansion in powers of z, using the
matrix relation
and Taylor expanding the logarithm:
Cn may be obtained from all the traces
and an approximation for z0 is obtained by numerical
root finding on the n'th degree polynomial given by the truncation of
the determinant. The above expression for Cn quickly gets complicated;
it is easier to expand the derivative
(9) |
which leads to the recursive equation
(10) |
The trace is straightforward to write down as an n-dimensional integral,
a discrete periodic chain reminiscent of a path integral, obtained in
Ref. [13],
(11) |
where the index j is cyclic, so xn=x0. In the noiseless (
limit, the integrand is a product of Dirac
-functions, and the
trace is given by a sum over the fixed points of fn, that is, the
n-cycles of f. In Refs. [10,11] the weak noise limit is
obtained by a saddlepoint expansion of the integral around these cycles.
Here, the integral is performed numerically, up to n=5, as described in the
following section.
Next: Numerical methods
Up: Traces and determinants of
Previous: Introduction
Carl Philip Dettmann