University of Bristol
Nina Snaith's Home Page

Nina Snaith

School of Mathematics,
University of Bristol,
Office 2A.03, Fry Building,
Woodland Road
Bristol, BS8 1UG

Telephone: +44 (0)117 428 4980
Email: n.c.snaith (add

Position: Professor of Mathematical Physics

Research Interests: My research is in Random Matrix Theory - in particular looking at the eigenvalue statistics and properties of characteristic polynomials of various random matrix ensembles. For many years I have considered the connection between Random Matrix Theory and certain number theoretical functions such as the Riemann zeta function and L-functions. This connection arises through the statistics of the zeros of these functions and can be exploited, allowing us to study zeta and L-functions using the well-developed techniques of Random Matrix Theory. Now I am developing an interest in using random matrix theory in biology - to investigate the statistical distribution of events on chromosomes.