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Publications:: E. Alvarez and N.C. Snaith "Moments of the logarithmic derivative of characteristic polynomials from SO(2N) and USp(2N)", Journal of Mathematical Physics, Volume 61, Issue, 10, 2020 arXiv:2003.05906 E.C. Bailey, S. Bettin, G. Blower, J.B. Conrey, A. Prokhorov, M.O. Rubinstein, N.C. Snaith "Mixed moments of characteristic polynomials of random unitary matrices", Journal of Mathematical Physics, Volume 60, Issue, 8, 2019 arXiv:1901.07479 A.M Mason and N.C. Snaith "Symplectic n-level densities with restricted support", Random Matrices - Theory and Applications, Volume 5, Issue 4, 36pp, 2016 arXiv:1603.05539 I.A. Cooper, Patrick W. Morris and N.C. Snaith "Beyond the excised ensemble: modelling elliptic curve L-functions with random matrices", J Phys A , Volume 49, Issue 7, 25pp, 2016 arXiv:1511.05805 , pdf A.M. Mason, N.C. Snaith "Orthogonal and Symplectic n-level Densities", Memoirs of the AMS, Volume 251, Issue 1194, 2018, 83 pages, arXiv:1509.05250 J.B. Conrey, N.C. Snaith "In support of n-correlation", Commun. Math. Phys., Volume 330, Issue 2, pages 639-653, 2014, , pdf J.B. Conrey, N.C. Snaith "On the orthogonal symmetry of L-functions of a family of Hecke Gossencharacters", Acta Arithmetica, Volume 157, Issue 4, pages 323-356, 2013, , pdf E. Duenez, D.K. Huynh, J.P. Keating, S.J. Miller and N.C. Snaith "A random matrix model for elliptic curve L-functions of finite conductor", J. Phys. A, Volulme 45, Issue 11, 2012, arXiv:1107.4426 , pdf E. Duenez, D.K. Huynh, J.P. Keating, S.J. Miller and N.C. Snaith "The lowest eigenvalue of Jacobi random matrix ensembles and Painleve VI", J. Phys. A, Volume 43, 27 pages, 2010, arXiv:1005.1298 , Matlab code for numerical Painleve VI solver, Sage code for solution using power series N.C. Snaith "Riemann Zeros and Random Matrix Theory", Milan Journal of Mathematics, Volume 78, Issue 1, p. 135-152, 2010 (Conference: 1st School of the Riemann-International-School-of-Mathematics Location: Verbania, ITALY Date: APR 19-24, 2009 ) pdf D.K. Huynh, J.P. Keating, N.C. Snaith "Lower order terms for the one-level density of elliptic curve L-functions", J. Number Theory, Volume 129, p. 2883-2902, 2009, arXiv:0811.2304 J.B. Conrey, N.C. Snaith "Correlations of eigenvalues and Riemann zeros", Communications in Number Theory and Physics, Volume 2, No. 3, p. 477-536, 2008, arXiv:0803.2795 J.B. Conrey, D.W. Farmer, J.P. Keating, M.O. Rubinstein, N.C.Snaith "Lower order terms in the full moment conjecture for the Riemann zeta function", J. Number Theory, Volume 128, p. 1516-1554, 2008, arXiv:math/0612843 J.B. Conrey, N.C. Snaith "Triple correlation of the Riemann zeros", Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux, Volume 20, No. 1, 2008 pdf J.B. Conrey, D.W. Farmer, B.E. Odgers , N.C. Snaith "A converse theorem for $\Gamma_0(13)$", Journal of Number Theory, 122, No 2 (2007) 314-323 arXiv:math/0206018 J.B. Conrey, M.O. Rubinstein, N.C. Snaith, M. Watkins "Discretisation for odd quadratic twists", in Ranks of Elliptic Curves and Random Matrix Theory, LMS lecture note series 341, Cambridge University Press, (2007) 201-214 pdf D.W. Farmer, F. Mezzadri, N.C. Snaith "Random polynomials, random matrices, and L-functions", Nonlinearity 19 (2006) 919-936, pdf J.B. Conrey, N.C. Snaith "Applications of the L-functions ratios conjectures", Proc. Lon. Math. Soc.", 94, No 3 (2007) 594-646 pdf J.B. Conrey, M.O. Rubinstein, N.C. Snaith "Moments of the derivative of characteristic polynomials with an application to the Riemann zeta function", Comm. Math. Phys, Volume 267, Number 3, p. 611-629, 2006, pdf N.C. Snaith "The derivative of SO(2N+1) characteristic polynomials and rank 3 elliptic curves", in Ranks of Elliptic Curves and Random Matrix Theory, LMS lecture note series 341, Cambridge University Press, (2007) 93-107, pdf N.C. Snaith "Derivatives of random matrix characteristic polynomials with applications to elliptic curves", J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38 (2005) 10345-10360, pdf & link to J. Phys. A e-print J.B. Conrey, J.P. Keating, M.O. Rubinstein, N.C. Snaith "Random matrix theory and the Fourier coefficients of half-integral weight forms", Experimental Mathematics, 15, No. 1 arXiv:math/0412083 J.B. Conrey, P.J. Forrester and N.C. Snaith "Averages of ratios of characteristic polynomials for the compact classical groups", Int. Math. Res. Notices (7): 397-431 (2005) pdf P.J. Forrester, N.C. Snaith, J.J.M. Verbaarschot "Developments in random matrix theory", J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36, No. 12 (2003) R1-R10. pdf J.P. Keating and N.C. Snaith "Random matrices and L-functions", J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36 (2003) 2859-2881. journal J.B. Conrey, D.W. Farmer, J.P. Keating, M.O. Rubinstein, N.C. Snaith "Autocorrelation of random matrix polynomials", Commun. Math. Phys. 237 (2003) 3, 365-395. arXiv:math-ph/0208007 J.B.Conrey, D.W. Farmer, J.P. Keating, M.O. Rubinstein, N.C. Snaith "Integral moments of L-functions", P. Lond. Math. Soc. 91 (2005) 33-104. arXiv:math/0206018 J.B. Conrey, J.P. Keating, M.O. Rubinstein, N.C. Snaith. "On the frequency of vanishing of quadratic twists of modular L-functions", in "Number Theory for the Millennium I"; editor, MA Bennett et al. A.K. Peters, Ltd, Natick, 2002. arXiv:math/0012043 J.P. Keating and N.C. Snaith. "Random matrix theory and $\zeta(1/2+it)$", Commun. Math. Phys., 214, 57-89 (2000) pdf J.P.Keating and N.C. Snaith. "Random matrix theory and L-functions at s=1/2", Commun. Math. Phys., 214, 91-110, (2000) pdf N.C. Snaith and D.A. Goodings. "Semiclassical approximations to diffractive effects in the annulus billiard", Physical Review E, 55, 5, p. 5212-24 (1997) Thesis: "Random matrix theory and zeta functions", School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, England, 2000 pdf Errata to the proceedings volume Recent Perspectives in Random Matrix Theory and Number Theory, edited by Francesco Mezzadri and Nina Snaith Word & pdf |