Registration & Updates

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fineSTRUCTURE/ChromoPainter Registration

You can use this form to register usage of fineSTRUCTURE and ChromoPainter. This is optional, but will keep you informed of updates, as well as helping us plan further updates and apply for funding for further development. We will not share your information with anyone and will not contact you unless you select to be kept informed in the mailing options below.

Section 1: About you

Email address:

Section 2: Mailing List options

These are JISCMAIL subscriptions, so you can add or remove yourself from these lists at any point via their system or the links below.

Keep me informed about:
MAJOR updates and important methodology papers
(subscribes to with infrequent, moderator only posts.)
Discussion, bugfix releases, help, and related papers
(subscribes to Posts are currently infrequent, and members can send messages.)

Section 3: Additional Information

(Optional) What organism(s) are you working on?

(Optional) Any further comments?


You will receive confirmation and instructions (e.g. for unsubscribing) by email for all mailing lists. This may take up to a few days.
All personal information supplied on this form will be processed in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998 and used only for a) maintaining a count of the number of users and b) managing the mailing lists. The information will be retained until notification that you do not wish to be on the mailing list , or until the mailing list is brought to an end, whichever is sooner. It will not be made available to anyone outside the named group of authors except as may be required by law.


Please contact if you have any comments or concerns.