
Bayesian Cake Club

The Bayesian Cake Club is a (very informal) reading group of the Statistics group. At the start of each academic year, we roughly agree on what papers we want to read throughout the year. These can be of very different type and are usually loosely related to the Bayesian paradigm: some are more applied, others more theoretical, sometimes philosophical, sometimes algorithmic etc. It often takes more than one meeting to read through and discuss one paper. We meet roughly every fortnight in term time.
The particular attraction of the Bayesian Cake Club (apart from the lively discussions) is of course that we have a home-made cake at every meeting!

Next Meeting

Friday 24 May, at 1-2pm, SM3.
We will continue to read
Bayesian methods in extreme value modelling: a review and new developments by Coles and Powell (1996), ISR

Join the Club

Anyone can join the Bayesian Cake Club. Postgrad students are particularly welcome and encouraged to attend! If you want to receive e-mail reminders of the upcoming meetings and paper, please e-mail Vanessa Didelez.

Papers Read in 2012/13

Past Papers