WaveThresh Help


Make Node Vector (using Coifman-Wickerhauser best-basis type algorithm) on packet ordered non-decimated wavelet transform object


This method function chooses a ``best-basis'' using the Coifman-Wickerhauser (1992) algorithm applied to wavelet packet wst objects.


MaNoVe.wst(wst, entropy = Shannon.entropy, verbose = F, stopper = F, 
    alg = "C") 


the wst object for which you wish to find the best-basis for.


A function for computing the entropy of a vector (usually the function Shannon.entropy is used but it doesn't need to be).
whether or not to print out informative error messages.
whether the computations are stopped after each packet. This can be useful in conjunction with the verbose argument so as to see computations one packet at a time.
If "C" then fast compiled C code is used (in which case the entropy function is ignored and the C code uses an (internal) Shannon entropy). Otherwise slower S code is used but an arbitrary entropy argument can be used.


A node vector object. This specifies which packets have been selected.


Version 3.6 Copyright Guy Nason


MaNoVe, wst object, wst.


# What follows is a simulated denoising example. We first create our
# "true" underlying signal, v. Then we add some noise to it with a signal
# to noise ratio of 6. Then we take the packet-ordered non-decimated wavelet
# transform and then threshold that.
# Then, to illustrate this function, we computes is "best-basis" node vector
# and use that to invert the packet-ordered NDWT using this basis. As a
# comparison we also use the Average Basis method
# (of Coifman and Donoho, 1995). 
# NOTE: It is IMPORTANT to note that this example DOES not necessarily
# use an appropriate or good threshold or necessarily the right underlying
# wavelet. I am trying to show the general idea and please do not "quote" this
# example in literature saying that this is the way that WaveThresh (or
# any of the associated authors whose methods it attempts to implement)
# does it. Proper denoising requires a lot of care and thought.
# Here we go....
# Create an example vector (the Donoho and Johnstone heavisine function)
v <- DJ.EX()$heavi
# Add some noise with a SNR of 6
vnoise <- v + rnorm(length(v), 0, sd=sqrt(var(v))/6)
# Take packet-ordered non-decimated wavelet transform (note default wavelet
# used which might not be the best option for denoising performance).
vnwst <- wst(vnoise)
# Let's take a look at the wavelet coefficients of vnoise

# Wow! A huge number of coefficients, but mostly all noise.
# Threshold the resultant NDWT object.
# (Once again default arguments are used which are certainly not optimal).
vnwstT <- threshold(vnwst)
# Let's have a look at the thresholded wavelet coefficients

# Ok, a lot of the coefficients have been removed as one would expect with
# universal thresholding
# Now select packets for a basis using a Coifman-Wickerhauser algorithm
vnnv <- MaNoVe(vnwstT)
# Let's have a look at which packets got selected
# Level :  9  Action is  R (getpacket Index:  1 )
# Level :  8  Action is  L (getpacket Index:  2 )
# Level :  7  Action is  L (getpacket Index:  4 )
# Level :  6  Action is  L (getpacket Index:  8 )
# Level :  5  Action is  R (getpacket Index:  17 )
# Level :  4  Action is  L (getpacket Index:  34 )
# Level :  3  Action is  L (getpacket Index:  68 )
# Level :  2  Action is  R (getpacket Index:  137 )
# Level :  1  Action is  R (getpacket Index:  275 )
# There are  10  reconstruction steps
# So, its not the regular decimated wavelet transform!
# Let's invert the representation with respect to this basis defined by
# vnnv
vnwrIB <- InvBasis(vnwstT, vnnv)
# And also, for completeness let's do an Average Basis reconstruction.
vnwrAB <- AvBasis(vnwstT)
# Let's look at the Integrated Squared Error in each case.
sum( (v - vnwrIB)^2)
# [1] 386.2501
sum( (v - vnwrAB)^2)
# [1] 328.4520
# So, for this limited example the average basis method does better. Of course,
# for *your* simulation it could be the other way round. "Occasionally", the
# inverse basis method does better. When does this happen? A good question.
# Let's plot the reconstructions and also the original
plot(vnwrIB, type="l")
lines(vnwrAB, lty=2)
lines(v, lty=3)

# The dotted line is the original. Neither reconstruction picks up the
# spikes in heavisine very well. The average basis method does track the
# original signal more closely though.