Compute Nason and Silverman raw or smoothed wavelet periodogram.
This smoothing in this function is now obsolete. You should now use the
function ewspec.
This function computes the Nason and Silverman raw or smoothed wavelet
periodogram as described by Nason and
Silverman (1995).
LocalSpec.wd(wdS, lsmooth="none", nlsmooth=F, prefilter=T,
verbose=F, lw.number=wdS$filter$filter.number,
lw.family=wdS$filter$family, nlw.number=wdS$filter$filter.number,
nlw.family=wdS$filter$family, nlw.policy="universal",
nlw.levels=3:(nlevels(wdS) - 1), nlw.type="hard", nlw.by.level=F,
nlw.value=0, nlw.dev=var, nlw.boundary=F, nlw.verbose=F,
nlw.cvtol=0.01, nlw.Q=0.05, nlw.alpha=0.05, nlw.transform=I,
nlw.inverse=I, debug.spectrum=F)
Note that all options beginning "nlw" are only used if nlsmooth=T, i.e.
iff NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is used.
- wdS
- The stationary wavelet transform object that you want to smooth or square.
- lsmooth
- Controls the LINEAR smoothing. There are three options: "none", "Fourier"
and "wavelet". They are described below. Note that Fourier begins with
a capital "F".
- nlsmooth
- A switch to turn on (or off) the NONLINEAR wavelet shrinkage of (possibly
LINEAR smoothed) local power coefficients. This option is either T (to
turn on the smoothing) or F (to turn it off).
- prefilter
- If T then apply a prefilter to the actual stationary wavelet coefficients
at each level. This is a low-pass filter that cuts off all frequencies
above the highest frequency allowed by the (Littlewood-Paley) wavelet
that bandpassed the current level coefficients. If F then no prefilter
is applied.
- verbose
- If T then the function chats about what it is doing. Otherwise it is
- lw.number
- If wavelet LINEAR smoothing is used then this option controls the
filter number
of the wavelet within the family used to perform the LINEAR wavelet smoothing.
- lw.family
- If wavelet LINEAR smoothing is used then this option controls the
of the wavelet used to perform the LINEAR wavelet smoothing.
- nlw.number
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
the filter number
of the wavelet used to perform the wavelet shrinkage.
- nlw.family
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
the family
of the wavelet used to perform the wavelet shrinkage.
- nlw.policy
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
the levels to use when performing wavelet shrinkage (see
for different policy choices).
- nlw.levels
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
the levels to use when performing wavelet shrinkage (see
for a detailed description of how levels can be chosen).
- nlw.type
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
the type of thresholding used in the wavelet shrinkage (either
"hard" or "soft", but see
threshold.wd for a list).
- nlw.by.level
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
whether level-by-level thresholding is used or if one threshold is
chosen for all levels (see threshold.wd).
- nlw.value
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
if a manual (or similar) policy is supplied to
nlw.policy then the
option carries the manual threshold value (see
- nlw.dev
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
the type of variance estimator that is used in wavelet shrinkages (see
threshold.wd). One possibility is the
function, another is the WaveThresh
function madmad()
- nlw.boundary
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
whether boundary coefficients are also thresholded (see
- nlw.verbose
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
whether the threshold function prints out messages as it thresholds
levels (see threshold.wd).
- nlw.cvtol
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
the optimization tolerance is cross-validation wavelet shrinkage is used
(see threshold.wd).
- nlw.Q
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
the Q value for wavelet shrinkage (see
- nlw.alpha
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
the alpha value for wavelet shrinkage (see
- nlw.transform
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
a transformation that is applied to the squared (and possibly linear
smoothed) stationary wavelet coefficients before
shrinkage. So, for example, you might want to set
to perform wavelet shrinkage on the logs of the squared (and possibly
linear smoothed) stationary wavelet coefficients.
- nlw.inverse
- If NONLINEAR wavelet smoothing is also used then this option controls
the inverse transformation that is applied to the wavelet shrunk coefficients
before they are put back into the stationary wavelet transform structure.
So, for example, if the
you should set the inverse
to nlw.inverse=exp
- debug.spectrum
- If this option is T then spectrum plots are produced at each stage of
the squaring/smoothing. Therefore if you put in the
non-decimated wavelet transform of white noise
you can get a fair idea of how the coefficients are filtered at each
An object of class wd a time-ordered
non-decimated wavelet transform. Each level of the returned object
contains a smoothed wavelet periodogram. Note that this is not
the corrected smoothed wavelet periodogram, or the
evolutionary wavelet spectrum. Use the function
ewspec to compute the evolutionary wavelet
This smoothing in this function is now obsolete. Use the
function ewspec instead.
However, this function is still useful for computing the raw periodogram.
This function attempts to produce a picture of local time-scale power
of a signal. There are two main components to this function: linear
smoothing of squared coefficients and non-linear smoothing of these.
Neither, either or both of these components may be used to process
the data. The function expects a non-decimated wavelet transform object
(of class wd, type="station") such as that produced by the
wd() function
with the type option set to "station"
The following paragraphs describe the various methods of smoothing.
There are three varieties of linear smoothing.
None simply squares the coefficients. Fourier and wavelet apply linear
smoothing methods in accordance to the prescription given in
Nason and Silverman (1995).
Each level in the SWT corresponds to a band-pass
filtering to a frequency range [sl, sh]. After squaring we obtain power
in the range [0, 2sl] and [2sl, 2sh]. The linear smoothing gets rid of
the power in [2sl, 2sh]. The Fourier method simply applies a discrete
Fourier transform (rfft) and cuts off frequencies above 2sl. The wavelet
method is a bit more suble. The DISCRETE wavelet transform is taken of
a level (i) and all levels within the DWT, j, where j>i are set to zero
and then the inverse is taken. Approximately this performs the same operation
as the Fourier method only faster. By default the same wavelets are
used to perform the linear smoothing as were used to compute the
stationary wavelet transform in the first place. This can be changed by
altering lw.number
and lw.family
After either of the linear smoothing options above
it is possible to use wavelet shrinkage upon each level in the squared
(and possibly Fourier or wavelet linear smoothed) to denoise the coefficients.
This process is akin to smoothing the ordinary periodogram. All the usual
wavelet shrinkage options are available as nlw.*
where *
is one of the
usual threshold.wd
options. By default the same wavelets are used
to perform the wavelet shrinkage as were used to compute the non-decimated
wavelet transform.
These wavelets can be replaced by altering nlw.number
and nlw.family
Also, it is possible to transform the squared (and possibly smoothed
coefficients) before applying wavelet shrinkage. The transformation
is effected by supplying an appropriate transformation function
(AND ITS INVERSE) to nlw.transform
and nlw.inverse
(For example,
and nlw.inverse=exp
might be a good idea).
Version 3.9 Copyright Guy Nason 1998
Nason and Silverman, (1995).
# This function is obsolete. See ewspec()
# Compute the raw periodogram of the BabyECG
# data using the Daubechies least-asymmetric wavelet $N=10$.
> babywdS <- wd(BabyECG, filter.number=10, family="DaubLeAsymm", type="station")
> babyWP <- LocalSpec(babywdS, lsmooth = "none", nlsmooth = F)
> plot(babyWP, main="Raw Wavelet Periodogram of Baby ECG")
# Note that the lower levels of this plot are too large. This is partly because
# there are "too many" coefficients at the lower levels. For a better
# picture of the local spectral properties of this time series see
# the examples section of ewspec
# Other results of this function can be seen in the paper by
# Nason and Silverman (1995) above.