Number theory

  1. Structure factor of deterministic fractals with rotations C. P. Dettmann and N. E. Frankel, Fractals 1, 253-261 (1993) pdf
  2. Open circular billiards and the Riemann hypothesis, L. A. Bunimovich and C. P. Dettmann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 100201 (2005) ps pdf RH day slides
  3. Open mushrooms: Stickiness revisited, C. P. Dettmann and O. Georgiou, J. Phys. A.: Math. Theor. 44 195102 (2011). [Highlighted in a JPA Insights article.] pdf arxiv poster
  4. New horizons in multidimensional diffusion: The Lorentz gas and the Riemann Hypothesis, C. P. Dettmann, J. Stat. Phys. 146 181-204 (2012). pdf arxiv animation (4.8M)
  5. Faster than expected escape for a class of fully chaotic maps, O. Georgiou, C. P. Dettmann, E. G. Altmann, Chaos 22 043115 (2012). arxiv pdf
  6. Open circle maps: Small hole asymptotics, C. P. Dettmann, Nonlinearity 26 307-317 (2013). pdf arxiv
  7. Survival probability for open spherical billiards, C. P. Dettmann and M. R. Rahman, Chaos 24 043130 (2014). arxiv pdf
  8. Sunflower hard disk graphs C. P. Dettmann and O. Georgiou, Physica A 629 129180 (2023). pdf.
  9. Algebraic tunings C. P. Dettmann and L. Taylor-West, J. Math. Music 18 203-216 (2024). pdf supp.7z.
  10. Kronecker sequences with many distances C. P. Dettmann, Exper. Math. (published online). pdf.
  11. A billiard in an open circle and the Riemann zeta function L. A. Bunimovich and C. P. Dettmann (submitted). pdf.
  12. Conference paper: How sticky is the chaos/order boundary? C. P. Dettmann, Contemporary Mathematics 698 111-128 (2017). pdf arxiv.

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