Martingale Theory with Applications, Autumn 2024

MATH30027, MATHM0045

Márton Balázs
Tel:+44 (0) 117 4557958
Office:Fry 1.44
Drop in Sessions: Wednesdays 16:30 - 17:30, 1.44 Fry in teaching weeks.

  • The unit description for level H/6, including assessment methods, texts, syllabus.
  • The unit description for level M/7, including assessment methods, texts, syllabus.
  • This unit will happen face-to-face, and you are expected to follow lectures in the classroom. Nevertheless, I will link YouTube videos from previous years on most but not all of the material, see the column "Past videos" in the table. I hope YouTube works for everyone interested, let me know otherwise.
  • Calculators are not allowed in the examination.
  • I will assume familiarity with the following concepts from calculus and analysis, but of course I'm happy to discuss these outside class:
    • basic properties, derivatives and integrals of elementary functions like polynomials, exponential, logarithm, trigonometric and some hyperbolic functions
    • the definition of limit, liminf and limsup of real-valued sequences
    • that monotone sequences have limits
    • the definition of a Cauchy sequence and that these are convergent in ℝ
    • that 1/np is summable for p>1 but not for p≤1, and the analogous statement for integrals
    • that exponentials converge/diverge faster than any polynomial
    • the triangle inequality for absolute value
    • the way to find maxima and minima of smooth real to real functions
    • the Heine–Cantor theorem on uniform continuity of continuous real-valued functions on a closed and bounded real interval

  • Lecture notes (last modified: 20 Nov 2023). Please send me comments (e.g., typos). Most of these notes are based on A.N. Shyriaev: Probability (Second Edition, Springer) and D. Williams: Probability with Martingales (Cambridge University Press) which you can take a look into yourself. These latter are however advisory, examinable is what is featured in lectures.
  • Extended slides/notes of elementary probability. Some of it can be used as reference and refreshment for parts of the Probability 1 and Advanced Probability 2 units. We will not touch most of this material in class. Please notice that these links are by no means meant to fully cover our material, nor will all parts of all of them be assessed. They rather serve as background reading. (They were actually part of lecture notes for a rather strong first probability unit I used to teach before.)
  • Remark on the assessments: there will be no distinction between levels H/6 and M/7 regarding homeworks. Four homework sets will be assigned, see the schedule below. Please note, these qualify as progress check, meaning no late submissions will be accepted. Our marking deadline is one week after the respective due dates. From each of these, you can collect 20 homework marks. Your final mark will be weighted as 20% -- 80% homework mark -- exam mark.
  • A few more remarks on the exam: for both levels, final examination will be 2½-hour long, will consist of four questions each of which will be used for assessment. The exams at levels H/6 and M/7 will have cca. 80% overlap. Calculators will not be allowed in the exam. One sheet of A4 notes written double-sided can be brought into the examination. Past exams, one with solutions, are to be found on the Blackboard page Resources for studentsExaminations.
  • I came across this illustration of Jensen's inequality: square-root of the average ≠ average of the square-root.

Below is a detailed schedule. Topics of future events are plans, and can change. Topics of past events serve as log.

Homeworks are/will also be posted here: just click those with a link below. They are due on Thursdays on Weeks 3, 6, 9, 11 (not 12!) at noon in Blackboard.

Homework solutions will appear on Blackboard, please email me if you have problem accessing these.

Date Topics Past videos Homework due:
Tue 17 Sep Measure Theory (basic notions, probability) (first year version)
1, 2 --
Wed 18 Sep Measure Theory (basic notions, probability) (first year version)
3, 4   --
Thu 19 Sep Sigma-algebras, random variables, stochastic processes, expectation 5, 6
Tue 24 Sep Expectation, conditional expectation
7, 8 --
Wed 25 Sep Conditional expectation 9, 10 --
Thu 26 Sep Conditional expectation 11
Tue 1 Oct Conditional expectation --
Wed 2 Oct Probabilistic tools: Borel Cantelli lemmas 12, 13, 14 --
Thu 3 Oct Probabilistic tools: limits and expectations 15, 16 by noon:
HW1 (sol. on Bb.)
Tue 8 Oct Probabilistic tools: limits and expectations 17 --
Wed 9 Oct Probabilistic tools: Fubini; inequalities 18, 19 --
Thu 10 Oct Inequalities; modes of convergence 20, 21, 22 --
Tue 15 Oct Modes of convergence: relations 23, 24 --
Wed 16 Oct Filtrations, martingales 25, 26, 27 --
Thu 17 Oct Stopping times, optional stopping 28 --
Tue 22 Oct Ex. class (probabilistic tools) 29, 30, 31, 32 --
Wed 23 Oct Ex. class (martingales: ABRACADABRA) --
Thu 24 Oct Ex. class (random walks and martingales) by noon:
HW2 (sol. on Bb.)
Tue 29 Oct Upcrossing Lemma, martingale convergence 33, 34 --
Wed 30 Oct Martingale convergence --
Thu 31 Oct L2 convergence; Doob's decomposition 35
Tue 5 Nov Doob's decomposition --
Wed 6 Nov Uniform integrability 36, 37 --
Thu 7 Nov UI and convergence: proofs 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 --
Tue 12 Nov UI martingales; tail σ-algebra 43, 44 --
Wed 13 Nov 0-1 law; Strong Law of Large Numbers 45, 46, 47 --
Thu 14 Nov Doob's submartingale inequality 48 by noon:
HW3 (sol. on Bb.)
Tue 19 Nov Doob's submartingale inequality --
Wed 20 Nov Azuma-Hoeffding concentration --
Thu 21 Nov Azuma-Hoeffding concentration --
Tue 26 Nov European option, hedging strategy; Black-Scholes optional pricing and proof 49, 50, 51 --
Wed 27 Nov Black-Scholes optional pricing proof 52 --
Thu 28 Nov Black-Scholes optional pricing proof by noon:
HW4 (sol. on Bb.)
Tue 3 Dec Ex. class (Martingale convergence, UI martingales) --
Wed 4 Dec Ex. class (Azuma-Hoeffding) --
Thu 5 Dec Review --



If you have any questions, please contact me (see on top). Click here to book a meeting with me if the drop-in sessions don't work for you for some reason.


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