
  1. Cycle expansions for intermittent diffusion C. P. Dettmann and P. Cvitanovic', Phys. Rev. E 56, 6687-6692 (1997) pdf ps arxiv
  2. Computing the diffusion coefficient for intermittent maps: Resummation of stability ordered cycle expansions C. P. Dettmann and P. Dahlqvist, Phys. Rev. E 57, 5303-5310 (1998) pdf ps.gz arxiv
  3. Microscopic chaos from Brownian motion? C. P. Dettmann, E. G. D. Cohen and H. van Beijeren, Nature 401, 875-875 (1999) ps.gz (1.0M when uncompressed) arxiv
  4. The existence of Burnett coefficients in the periodic Lorentz gas, N. I. Chernov and C. P. Dettmann, Physica A 279, 37-44 (2000) ps arxiv
  5. Microscopic chaos and diffusion C. P. Dettmann and E. G. D. Cohen, J. Stat. Phys. 101, 775-817 (2000) ps.gz (28 pages; 2.1M when uncompressed) arxiv
  6. Note on chaos and diffusion C. P. Dettmann and E. G. D. Cohen, J. Stat. Phys. 103, 589-599 (2001) ps arxiv
  7. The Burnett expansion of the periodic Lorentz gas, C. P. Dettmann, Ergod. Th. Dyn. Sys. 23, 481-491 (2003) ps arxiv
  8. Product of n independent uniform random variables, C. P. Dettmann and O. Georgiou, Stat. Prob. Lett., 79, 2501-2503 (2009). pdf
  9. Escape of particles in a time-dependent potential well, D. R. Costa, C. P. Dettmann and E. D. Leonel, Phys. Rev. E, 83 066211 (2011). pdf
  10. Scaling invariance for the escape of particles from a periodically corrugated waveguide, E. D. Leonel, D. R. Costa and C. P. Dettmann, Phys. Lett. A 376 421-425 (2012). pdf
  11. New horizons in multidimensional diffusion: The Lorentz gas and the Riemann Hypothesis, C. P. Dettmann, J. Stat. Phys. 146 181-204 (2012). pdf arxiv animation (4.8M)
  12. Escape and transport for an open bouncer: Stretched exponential decays, C. P. Dettmann and E. D. Leonel, Physica D 241 403-408 (2012). pdf arxiv
  13. Dependence of chaotic diffusion on the size and position of holes, G. Knight, O. Georgiou, C. P. Dettmann, R. Klages, Chaos 22 023132 (2012). pdf arxiv
  14. Stickiness in a bouncer model: A slowing mechanism for Fermi acceleration, A. L. P. Livorati, T. Kroetz, C. P. Dettmann, I. L. Caldas, E. D. Leonel, Phys. Rev. E 86 036203 (2012). pdf arxiv
  15. Scaling invariance of the diffusion coefficient in a family of two-dimensional Hamiltonian mappings, J. A. de Oliveira, C. P. Dettmann, D. R. Costa and E. D. Leonel, Phys. Rev. E 87 062904 (2013). pdf
  16. Diffusion in the Lorentz gas, C. P. Dettmann, Commun. Theor. Phys. 62 521-540 (2014). pdf arxiv
  17. On the statistical and transport properties of a non-dissipative Fermi-Ulam model, A. L. P. Livorati, C. P. Dettmann, I. L. Caldas, E. D. Leonel, Chaos 25 103107 (2015). pdf.
  18. Investigation of stickiness influence in the anomalous transport and diffusion for a non-dissipative Fermi-Ulam model, A. L. P. Livorati, M. S. Palmero, G. Diaz Iturry, C. P. Dettmann, I. L. Caldas and E. D. Leonel, Commun. Nonlin. Sci. Numer. Sim. 55 225-236 (2018).
  19. Transition from normal to ballistic diffusion in a one-dimensional impact system, A. L. P. Livorati, T. Kroetz, C. P. Dettmann, I. L. Caldas and E. D. Leonel, Phys. Rev. E 97 032205 (2018). pdf.
  20. Book chapter: The Lorentz gas as a paradigm for nonequilibrium stationary states, C. P. Dettmann, pp 315-365 in Hard ball systems and the Lorentz gas (edited by D. Szasz), Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences Vol 101 (Springer, 2000). Full size version, 50 pages pdf. Environmental microscopic version, 25 pages pdf.

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