Advanced Flud Dynamics

Information for 2017/18.

This is a Level M/7 course given in the first semester of the academic year. Lectures are timetabled for 12pm Mondays, 1pm on Tuesdays and 11am on Fridays. The courses includes 30 lectures of new material, together with problems classes. The formal requirements are available elsewhere on the web. This web-page provides local resources for the course in electronic form.

Handouts, Example sheets, Animations , Notes .

  1. Handouts
  2. Example sheets and solutions
    Sheet 1 Solutions
    Sheet 2 Solutions
    Sheet 3 Solutions
    Sheet 4Solutions
    Sheet 5 Solutions
    Sheet 5bSolutions
    Sheet 6 Solutions
    Sheet 7Solutions Maple worksheet
    Sheet 8 Solutions
  3. Animations and MAPLE worksheets [Right click to download MAPLE files]
  4. Exams and solutions
  5. Summary of lecture notes

Andrew Hogg

School of Mathematics
University of Bristol
University Walk
Bristol. BS8 1TW

Telephone: +44 (0)117 928 7987
Fax: +44 (0)117 928 7999