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Co-authors: Eduardo G. Altmann, Valerio Biscione, Mohammud Z. Bocus, Joshua D. Bodyfelt, Tom Carter, Justin Coon, Stojan Denic, Carl P. Dettmann, Yusuke Doi, Marcello Giordano, Alexander P. Giles, Goran Gligoric, Arseni Goussev, Daniel Griffiths, Adam Hardwood, Dene A. Hedges, Georgios Kalogridis, Rainer Klages, Georgie Knight, Achilleas Lazarides, Soo-Young Lee, Edson D. Leonel, André L. P. Livorati, Ben Long, Elena Matsa, CamLy Nguyen, Diego F. M. Oliveira, Mohammed R. Rahman, Usman Raza, Umberto Spagnolini, William H. Thompson, Shanshan Wang, Hachem Yassine, Yuki Yonezawa.
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Journal Publications
36. Connectivity of Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks with Directional Antennas, Q. Wang, H-N. Dai, O. Georgiou, Z. Shi, and X. Li, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, (2018)
35. Entropy of spatial network ensembles, J. P. Coon, C. P. Dettmann and O. Georgiou, submitted arxiv, (2017).
34. The Wireless Localisation Matching Problem, C. L. Nguyen, O. Georgiou, Y. Yonezawa, and Y. Doi, IEEE Internet of Things Journalvol. 4, no. 5, pp. 1312-1326, (2017).
33. Spectral statistics of random geometric graphs, C. P. Dettmann, O. Georgiou and G. Knight, EPL 118 18003, (2017).
32. Distributed Synchronization on Weakly Connected Networks, S. Denic, O. Georgiou, and U. Spagniolini, IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 1577-1580, (2017).
31. Optimal Non-uniform Deployments in Ultra-Dense Finite-Area Cellular Networks, P. Pratt, C. P. Dettmann, and O. Georgiou, IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 1139-1142 (2017).
30. Low Power Wide Area Network Analysis: Can LoRa Scale?, O. Georgiou, and U. Raza, IEEE Wireless Comms. Letters vol 6, no 2, pp. 162-165, (2017). arXiv.
29. Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Cellular Networks with Directional Antennas, O. Georgiou, IEEE Communication Letters vol 12, no 4, pp.885-888, (2016).
28. Counting Geodesic Paths in 1D VANETs, G. Knight, A. P. K. Giles, O. Georgiou, and C. P. Dettmann, IEEE Wireless Comms. Letters vol 6, no 1, pp. 110-113, (2017). arXiv.
27. Isolation statistics in temporal spatial networks, C. P. Dettmann and O. Georgiou, EPL 119 28002 (2017).
26. Algebraic Connectivity of Keyhole Random Geometric Graphs, O. Georgiou, IEEE Comms. Letters vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 2079-2082, (2016).
25. A wireless cloud network for the Internet of Things, J. P. Coon, A. G. Burr, J. Sykora, U. Spagnolini, D. Halls, W. H. Thompson, K. Ramantas, S. Savazzi, S. Galimberti, O. Georgiou, P.H. Lin, H. Mark, A DIWINE White Paper (2016).
24. How many Wi-Fi APs does it take to light a lightbulb?, O. Georgiou, K. Mimis, D. Halls, W.H. Thompson, and D. Gibbins, IEEE Access, vol. 4, no. , pp. 3732-3746 (2016).
23. Polarized Rician Fading Models for Performance Analysis in Cellular Networks, O. Georgiou, IEEE Comms. Letters vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1255-1258 (2016).
22. Theoretical analysis and its applications on large-scale mesh networks, O. Georgiou, and Y. Doi, Toshiba Review vol.71 no.2 (2016).
21. Connectivity of networks with general connection functions, C P. Dettmann and O. Georgiou, Phys. Rev. E 93, 032313 (2016). arXiv.
20. Connectivity of Soft Random Geometric Graphs Over Annuli, A. P. Giles, O. Georgiou, and C. P. Dettmann, Journal of Statistical Physics 162, 4, pp 1068-1083, (2015). arXiv.
19. Connectivity Scaling Laws in Wireless Networks, J. P. Coon, O. Georgiou, and C. P. Dettmann, IEEE Wireless Comms. Letters vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 629-632 (2015). arXiv.
18. Multihop connectivity of ad hoc networks with randomly oriented directional antennas, O. Georgiou, C. Nguyen, IEEE Comms. Letters (2015). arXiv.
17. Network connectivity in non-convex domains with reflections, O. Georgiou, M. Z. Bocus, M. R. Rahman, C. P. Dettmann, and J. P. Coon, IEEE Comms. Letters, 19, 427 - 430 (2015). arXiv.
16. Escape through a time-dependent hole in the doubling map, A. L. P. Livorati, O. Georgiou, C. P. Dettmann, E. D. Leonel, Phys. Rev. E 89, 052913, (2014). arXiv.
15. Connectivity of confined 3D Networks with Anisotropically Radiating Nodes, O. Georgiou, C. P. Dettmann, and J. Coon, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 13, 4534 - 4546, (2014). arXiv
14. Allele-specific RNA interference rescues the long-QT syndrome phenotype in human-induced pluripotency stem cell cardiomyocytes, E. Matsa, J.E. Dixon, C. Medway, O. Georgiou, M.J. Patel, K. Morgan, P.J. Kemp, A. Staniforth, I. Mellor, C. Denning, European Heart Journal, doi:10.1093/eurheartj/eht067, (2013).
13. k-connectivity for confined random networks, O. Georgiou, C. P. Dettmann, and J. Coon, Europhys. Lett., 103, 28006, (2013). arXiv
12. Sticky Normal-Superconductor Interface, S-Y. Lee, A. Goussev, O. Georgiou, G. Gligoric, A. Lazarides, Europhys. Lett., 103, 20004, (2013). arXiv
11. Faster than expected escape for a class of fully chaotic maps, O. Georgiou, C. P. Dettmann, and E. G. Altmann, Chaos, 22 043115 (2012). arXiv
10. Influence of boundary conditions on quantum escape, O. Georgiou, G. Gligoric, A. Lazarides, D. F. M. Oliveira, J. D. Bodyfelt, and A. Goussev, Europhys. Lett., 100, 20005, (2012). arXiv animations.
9. Connectivity of confined dense networks: Boundary effects and scaling laws, J. Coon, C. P. Dettmann, and O. Georgiou, (2012). arXiv
8. Full Connectivity: Corners, edges and faces, J. Coon, C. P. Dettmann and O. Georgiou, J. Stat. Phys, 147 (4), 758-778, (2012). arXiv
7. Dependence of chaotic diffusion on the size and position of holes, G. Knight, O. Georgiou, C. P. Dettmann, and R. Klages, Chaos, 22 023132 (2012). arXiv
6. Quantifying intermittency in the open drivebelt billiard, C. P. Dettmann and O. Georgiou, Chaos, 22, 026113, (2012). arXiv
5. Impact of boundaries on fully connected random geometric networks, J. Coon, C. P. Dettmann and O. Georgiou, Phys. Rev E., 85, 011138, (2012). arXiv
4. Open Mushrooms: Stickiness revisited, C. P. Dettmann and O. Georgiou, J. Phys. A.: Math. Theor. 44, 195102, (2011). arXiv [Highlighted in a JPA Insights article]
3. Transmission and Reflection in the Stadium Billiard: Time-dependent asymmetric transport, C. P. Dettmann and O. Georgiou, Phys. Rev. E, 83, 036212 (2011). arXiv [Figure 2 selected to appear in the PRE "Kaleidoscope"]
2. Product of n independent uniform random variables, C. P. Dettmann and O. Georgiou, Stat. Prob. Lett., 79, 2501-2503 (2009) [C code which calculates the CDF]
1. Survival probability for the stadium billiard, C. P. Dettmann and O. Georgiou, Physica D 238, 2395-2403 (2009). arXiv
Conference Proceedings
26. G. Shakeri, E. Freeman, C. Andersson, W. Frier, M. Iodice, B. Long, O. Georgiou, “Three-in-one: Levitation, Parametric Audio, and Mid-Air Haptic Feedback”. In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, (2019).
25. Pulsed Schlieren Imaging of Ultrasonic Haptics and Levitation using a Phased Array, M. Iodice, O. Georgiou, J. Wilcox, and B. Long, Proceedings of the International Congress on Sound and Vibration ICSV (2018)
24 C. L. Nguyen, O. Georgiou and V. Suppakitpaisarn, “Improved Wireless Localization Accuracy using Machine Learning: Predicting and Refining RSS Measurements,” In IEEE Globecom (2018)
23 Exploring the Use of Mid-Air Ultrasonic Feedback to Enhance Automotive User Interfaces, K. Harrington, D. R. Large, G. Burnett, and O. Georgiou, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications. ACM, (2018). [Awarded Best Paper]
22. Touchless Haptic Feedback for VR Rhythm Games, O. Georgiou, C. Jeffrey, Z. Chen, B. X. Tong, S. H. Chan, B. Yang, A. Harwood, and T. Carter, Proceedings of the IEEE VR conference, (2018)
21. Touchless Haptic Feedback for Supernatural VR Experiences, J. Martinez, D. Griffiths, V. Biscione, O. Georgiou, and T. Carter, Proceedings of the IEEE VR conference, (2018)
20. Touchless Tactile Displays for Digital Signage: Mid-air Haptics meets Large Screens, L. Corenthy, M. Giordano, R. Hayden, D. Griffiths, C. Jeffrey, H. Limerick, O. Georgiou, T. Carter, J. Mu¨ller, and S. Subramanian, Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2018
19. Mid-Air Haptics for Control Interfaces, M. Giordano, O. Georgiou, B. Dzidekr, L. Corenthy, J. R. Kim, S. Subramanian, and S. Brewster, Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2018
18. Haptic In-vehicle Gesture Controls, O. Georgiou, V. Biscione, A. Hardwood, D. Griffiths, M. Giordano, B. Long, and T. Carter, Proceedings of the ACM AutomotiveUI conference, (2017)
17. Location-Based Coverage Probability for Distributed Antenna Systems in Finite-Area Networks, M. Z. Bocus, O. Georgiou, J. P. Coon, and D. A. Hedges, Proceedings of the IEEE ICC (2017).
16. The Wireless Localisation Matching Problem and a Maximum Likelihood based Solution, C. L. Nguyen, O. Georgiou, Y. Yonezawa, and Y. Doi, Proceedings of the IEEE ICC (2017).
15. Indoor Localisation Using Spectral Flatness Weights, O. Georgiou and W. H. Thompson, Proceedings of the VTC (2017).
14. On the Connectivity of Two-Hop Networks in Finite Domains, D. A. Hedges, J. P. Coon, and O. Georgiou, in Systems, Communications and Coding (2017).
13. Consensus Problems in Wireless Networks for Keyhole Geometry, S. Denic, O. Georgiou, W. H. Thompson, and M. Z. Bocus, in Proceedings of 2016 IEICE ICTF ICTF (2016).
12. Connectivity of Cooperative Ad hoc Networks, O. Georgiou, G. Kalogridis, H. Yassine, and S. Denic, Proceedings of the IEEE ICC (2016). arXiv.
11. CreD2D: A Credit-driven Self-evolving D2D Towards LTE HetNet Energy Saving, G. Kalogridis, and O. Georgiou, Proceedings of the IEEE ICC (2016).
10. How does mobility affect the connectivity of interference-limited ad hoc networks?, P. Pratt, C. P. Dettmann, and O. Georgiou, Proceedings of WiOpt'16, (2016). arxiv.
9. Distributed Power Allocation and Channel Access Probability Assignment for Cognitive Radio, O. Georgiou, M. Z. Bocus, and S. Wang, Proceedings of Globecom'15 (2015). arxiv.
8. Directional antennas improve the link-connectivity of interference limited ad hoc networks, O. Georgiou, S. Wang, M. Z. Bocus, C. P. Dettmann, and J. P. Coon, Proceedings of IEEE PIMRC'15 (2015). arXiv.
7. Location, location, location: Border effects in interference limited ad hoc networks, O. Georgiou, S. Wang, M. Z. Bocus, C. P. Dettmann, and J. P. Coon, Proceedings of WiOpt'15 (2015). arXiv.
6. Maximum Likelihood based Multihop Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks, C. Nguyen, O. Georgiou, and Y. Doi, Proceedings of the ICC'15 (2015), (2015). arXiv.
5. Betweenness Centrality in Dense Random Geometric Networks, A. P. Giles, O. Georgiou, and C. P. Dettmann, Proceedings of the ICC'15 (2015). arXiv.
4. More is less: Connectivity in fractal regions, C. P. Dettmann, O. Georgiou and J. P. Coon, Proceedings of the ISWCS'15 (2015). arXiv.
3. Network Connectivity: Stochastic vs. Deterministic Wireless Channels, O. Georgiou, C. P. Dettmann, and J. Coon, Proceedings of the ICC'14, (2014). arXiv
2. Connectivity in Dense Networks Confined within Right Prisms, J. Coon, O. Georgiou, and C. P. Dettmann, Proceedings of WiOpt'14, (2014). arXiv
1. Network connectivity through small openings, O. Georgiou, C. P. Dettmann, and J. Coon, Proceedings of the ISWCS'13, (2013). arXiv [Awarded Best Paper of Track 3]
2. Modelling and Analysis of Ad-hoc Networks, presented at ISWCS 2015, Slide sets: 1-2, 3, 4, 5.
1. Full Connectivity in spatially confined random Networks, presented at CAMAD 2012, ppt.
4. Quantifying connectivity of ad-hoc networks pdf. presented in the Houses of Parliament at SET4Britain 2014.
3. Full connectivity in spatially confined random networks pdf.
2. Sticky and Non-sticky open Mushrooms pdf.
1. Transmission and Reflection in the Stadium Billiard: Time-dependent asymmetric transport pdf.
PhD Thesis
Escape from Intermittent Billiards. (completed in June 2011) pdf.
Contact Details
Mailing address: Ultrahaptics, The West Wing, Glass Wharf, Bristol, BS2 0EL, UK.
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