Ayalvadi Ganesh (a.ganesh@bristol.ac.uk)
Detailed lecture notes are provided to facilitate self-study. In addition, the following texts may be helpful for gaining a more in-depth understanding of the subject materia.
F P Kelly, Reversibility and stochastic networks, Wiley, 1979.
Chapter 1 contains all the theoretical material covered in this course. Chapters 2-4 give a variety of queueing applications.
Jean Walrand, An introduction to queuing networks, Prentice-Hall International, 1988.
In-depth treatment of theoretical aspects and applications going well beyond the course material.
Mor Harchol-Balter, Performance modelling and design of computer systems, 2013.
Covers a wide range of applications in communications and computing. Intended to be accessible to electrical engineers and computer scientists.
Office hours: 2-3pm (PC2) and
3-4pm (Room 3.15, Maths), Thursday.
Homework policy: Homework is an important part of learning the material on this course and you are strongly encouraged to attempt all the homework problems. All students are required to hand in solutions to selected problems. You may discuss the problems, but you should write out the solutions on your own.
Lecture notes
Homework problems
Homework 1 Due
Mon., 19 Nov. Solutions
2 Due
Mon., 26 Nov. Solutions
3 Due
Fri., 30 Nov. Solutions
4 Due
Fri., 7 Dec. Solutions
5 Due
Fri., 14 Dec Solutions
Past exam papers