- Complementary approximations to wave scattering by vertical barriers
R. Porter & D.V. Evans, 1995, J. Fluid Mech, 294, 155-180.
- Hydrodynamic properties of an oscillating water column device
D. V. Evans & R. Porter, 1995, Appl. Ocean Res., 17, 155-164.
- Wave scattering by periodic arrays of breakwaters.
R. Porter & D. V. Evans, 1996, Wave Motion, 23, 97-120.
- Hydrodynamic characteristics of a thin rolling plate in finite depth of water.
D. V. Evans & R. Porter, 1996, Appl. Ocean Res., 18, 215-228.
- Efficient calculation of hydrodynamic properties of OWC-type devices.
D. V. Evans & R. Porter, 1997, J. Offshore Mech. & Artic Eng., 119(4), 210-218.
- Trapped modes about multiple cylinders in a channel.
D. V. Evans & R. Porter, 1997, J. Fluid Mech., 339, 331-356.
- Near-trapping of water waves by circular arrays of vertical cylinders
D. V. Evans & R. Porter, 1997, Appl. Ocean Res., 19, 83-89.
- Trapped modes embedded in the continuous spectrum.
D. V. Evans & R. Porter, 1998, Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 52(1), 263-274.
- Uniqueness and trapped modes for surface-piercing cylinders in oblique waves
N. Kuznetsov, R. Porter, D. V. Evans and M. J. Simon, 1998, J. Fluid Mech., 365, 351-368.
- The trapping of surface waves by multiple submerged horizontal cylinders.
R. Porter & D. V. Evans, 1998. J. Eng. Math., 34, 417-433.
- An example of non-uniqueness in the two-dimensional linear water-wave problem involving submerged cylinders.
D. V. Evans & R. Porter, 1998, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 454, 3145-3165.
- Trapping and Near-trapping by Arrays of Cylinders in Waves.
D. V. Evans & R. Porter, 1999, J. Eng. Math., 35, 149-179 (Special Issue on Ocean Mechanics)
- Rayleigh-Bloch surface waves along periodic gratings and their connection with trapped modes in waveguides.
R. Porter & D. V. Evans, 1999, J. Fluid Mech., 386, 233-258.
- Wave scattering by a step of arbitrary profile.
R. Porter & D. Porter, 2000, J. Fluid Mech., 411, 131-164.
- Interaction of water waves with three-dimensional periodic topography
R. Porter & D. Porter, 2001, J. Fluid Mech., 434, 301-335.
- Embedded trapped modes for obstacles in two-dimensional waveguides
M. McIver, C.M. Linton, P. McIver, J. Zhang & R. Porter, 2001, Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 54(2), 273-293.
- Trapping of waves by a submerged elliptical torus.
M. McIver & R. Porter, 2002, J. Fluid Mech., 456, 277-293.
- Scattering of surface waves by submerged cylinders of arbitrary cross-section.
R. Porter, 2002, Proc. Roy. Soc. A., 458, 581-606.
- Trapping of water waves by pairs of submerged cylinders.
R. Porter, 2002, Proc. Roy. Soc. A., 458, 607-624.
- On the existence of embedded surface waves along periodic arrays of parallel plates.
D.V. Evans & R. Porter, 2002, Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 55(3), 481-494.
- Scattered and free waves over periodic beds
R. Porter & D. Porter, 2003, J. Fluid Mech., 483, 129-163.
- Wave scattering by narrow cracks in ice sheets floating on water of finite depth
D.V. Evans & R. Porter, 2003, J. Fluid Mech., 484, 143-165.
- Approximations to wave scattering by an ice sheet of variable thickness over undulating bed topography.
D. Porter & R. Porter, 2004, J. Fluid Mech., 509, 145-179.
- Second-order sloshing over an arbitrary bed
G.J.D. Chapman & R. Porter, 2005, J. Fluid Mech., 524, 331-355.
- Embedded Rayleigh-Bloch surface waves along periodic rectangular arrays
R. Porter & D.V. Evans, 2005, Wave Motion, 43, 29-50.
- Scattering of flexural waves by multiple narrow cracks in ice sheets floating on water
R. Porter & D.V. Evans, 2006, Wave Motion, 43(5), 425-443.
- Approximations to water wave scattering by steep topography.
R. Porter & D. Porter, 2006, J. Fluid Mech., 562, 279-302.
- The linear wave response of a periodic array of floating elastic plates.
C.D. Wang, M.H. Meylan & R. Porter, 2007, J. Eng. Maths., 57(1), 23-40.
- Diffraction of flexural waves by finite straight cracks in an elastic sheet over water.
R. Porter & D.V. Evans, 2007, J. Fluids and Structures, 23(2), 309-327.
- Scattering by a semi-infinite periodic array and excitation of surface waves
C.M. Linton, R. Porter & I. Thompson, 2007, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 67(5), 1233-1258.
- Penetration of flexural waves through a periodically constrained thin elastic plate in vacuo and floating on water.
D.V. Evans & R. Porter, 2007, J. Eng. Maths., 58, 317-337.
- Wave-free motions of isolated bodies and the existence of motion trapped modes
D.V. Evans & R. Porter, 2007, J. Fluid Mech., 584, 225-234.
- Trapped modes in thin elastic plates.
R. Porter, 2007, Wave Motion, 45(1-2), 3-15.
- Flexural waves on a pinned semi-infinite thin elastic plate
D. V. Evans & R. Porter, 2008, Wave Motion, 45, 745-757.
- Examples of trapped modes in the presence of freely-floating structures
R. Porter & D. V. Evans, 2008, J. Fluid Mech., 606, 189-207.
- A new approximation method for scattering by long finite arrays
I. Thompson, C.M. Linton & R. Porter, 2008, Quart J. Mech. Appl. Math., 61(3), 333-352.
- Wave trapping by floating circular cylinders
R. Porter & D. V. Evans, 2009, J. Fluid Mech., 633, 311-325.
- The effect of submergence on the scattering by the interface between two semi-infinite sheets
T. Williams & R. Porter, 2009, J. Fluids and Structures, 25(5), 777-793.
- Estimation of wall effects on floating cylinders
R. Porter & D. V. Evans, 2011, J. Eng Math., 70(1-3), 191-204.
- Focusing of surface waves by variable bathymetry
L.S. Griffiths & R. Porter, 2012, Appl. Ocean Res., 34, 150-163.
- Wave energy extraction by coupled resonant absorbers
D.V. Evans & R. Porter, 2012, Phil. Trans. Roy Soc. 370 1959 315-344.
- The effect of slatted screens on waves
S. Crowley & R. Porter, 2012, J. Eng. Math., 76(1), 33-57.
- An analysis of screen arrangements for a tuned liquid damper
S. Crowley & R. Porter, 2012, J. Fluids and Structures, 34, 291-309.
- The effect on bending waves by defects in pinned elastic plates
M. Smith, R. Porter & T. Williams, 2012, J. Sound. Vib., 331(23), 5087-5106.
- A submerged cylinder wave energy converter
S. Crowley, R. Porter & D.V. Evans, 2013, J. Fluid Mech. 716, 566-596.
- Trapped modes due to narrow cracks in thin simply-supported elastic plates
R. Porter & D.V. Evans, 2014, Wave Motion, 51, 533-546.
- Connections between potentials describing wave scattering by complementary arrangements of vertical barriers
R. Porter & D.V. Evans, 2014, Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 67(2), 175-192.
- A submerged cylinder wave energy converter with internal sloshing power take off
S.H. Crowley, R. Porter & D.V. Evans, 2014, Euro. J. of Mech. B/Fluids, 47, 108-123.
- Cloaking of a vertical cylinder in waves using variable bathymetry
R. Porter & J.N. Newman, 2014, J. Fluid Mech., 750, 124-143.
- Linearised water wave problems involving submerged horizontal plates
R. Porter, 2015, Appl. Ocean Res. 50 91-109.
- Optimisation of arrays of flap-type oscillating wave surge converters
I.F. Noad & R. Porter, 2015, Appl. Ocean Res., 50, 237-253.
- The motion of a freely-floating cylinder in the presence of a wall and the approximation of resonances
P. McIver & R. Porter, 2016, J. Fluid Mech., 795, 581-610.
- Surface wave interaction with rigid plates lying on water
R. Porter, 2016, Wave Motion, 66, 118-131.
- Total transmission of waves through narrow gaps in channels
D.V. Evans & R. Porter, 2017, Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 70(1), 87-101.
- Analysis of the effect of a cavity resonator on acoustic transmission in a waveguide
R. Porter & D.V. Evans, 2017, J. Sound Vib., 408, 138-153.
- Modelling an articulated raft wave energy converter
I.F. Noad & R. Porter, 2017, Renewable energy, 114, 1146-1159.
- Approximations to wave energy absorption by articulated rafts
I.F. Noad & R. Porter, 2017, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 77(6), 2199-2223.
- Modelling of the WITT wave energy converter
S.H. Crowley, R. Porter, D. Taunton & P. Wilson, 2018, Renewable Energy, 115, 159-174.
- Trapping of waves by thin floating ice sheets
R. Porter, 2018, Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. https://doi.org/10.1093/qjmam/hby014
- Transmission and absorption in a waveguide with a metamaterial cavity
Aasim Ullah Jan & R. Porter, 2018, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 144(6), 3172-3180.
- The coupling between ocean waves and rectangular ice sheets
R. Porter, 2019, J. Fluids and Structures, 84, 171-181.
- An extended linear shallow water equation
R. Porter, 2019 J. Fluid Mech., 876, 413-427.
- On the connection between step approximations and depth-averaged models for wave scattering by variable
R. Porter, 2020, Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 73(1), 84-100.
- Wave scattering by an array of metamaterial cylinders
S. Zheng, R. Porter & D. Greaves, 2020 J. Fluid Mech., 903, A50. doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2020.660
- Plate arrays as a perfectly-transmitting negative refraction metamaterial
R. Porter, 2021, Wave Motion, 100, 102673. doi.org/10.1016/j.wavemoti.2020.102673
- Modelling and design of a perfectly-absorbing wave energy converter
R. Porter, 2021, Appl. Ocean Res., 113, 102724 doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2021.102724
- Extending limits for wave power absorption by axisymmetric devices
R. Porter, S. Zheng & D. Greaves, 2021, J. Fluid Mech., 924, A39. doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2021.645
- Shallow water theory for structured bathymetry
C. Marangos & R. Porter, 2021, Proc. Roy. Soc. A., 477, 20210421. doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2021.0421
- Scattering of surface waves by vertical truncated structured cylindersR. Porter, S. Zheng & H. Liang, 2022, Proc. Roy. Soc. A., 478, 20210824. doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2021.0824
- Water wave scattering by a structured ridge on the sea bedR. Porter & C. Marangos, 2022, Ocean Eng., 256, 111451. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111451
- Acoustics of a partially partitioned narrow slit connected to a half-plane: case study for exponential quasi-bound states in the continuum and their resonant excitationO. Schnitzer & R. Porter, 2022, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 82(4) 1387-1410 doi.org/10.1137/22M1470426
- Modelling Autler-Townes splitting and acoustically induced transparency in a waveguide loaded with resonant channels
R. Porter, K. Pham, & A. Maurel, 2022, Phys. Rev. B, 105, 134301.
- Wave power absorption by a metamaterial cylinder with internal paddle power take off system
J. Huang & R. Porter, 2022, Appl. Ocean Res. 128 103315. doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2022.103315
- A Tuneable Electromagnetic Metagrating
H. J. Putley, S. Guenneau, R. Porter & R.V. Craster, 2022, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 478 20220454. doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2022.0454
Water wave propagation through arrays of closely-spaced surface-piercing vertical barriers
J. Huang & R. Porter, 2023, J. Fluid Mech. 960, A20, doi:10.1017/jfm.2023.207
A surface-piercing truncated cylindrical meta-structure operating as a wave energy converter
J. Huang, R. Porter & S. Zheng, 2023, Physics of Fluids 35, 097116 doi:10.1063/5.0165068
Perfect resonant absoprtion of guided water waves by Autler-Townes splitting
L.-P. Euvé, K. Pham, R. Porter, P. Petitjeans, V. Pagneux & A. Maurel, 2023, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 204002 doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.204002
Scattering of water waves by multiple rows of thin vertical barriers
J. Huang & R. Porter, 2024, Wave Motion 125, 103258 doi.org/10.1016/j.wavemoti.2023.103258
Wave power extraction from a large periodic array of flap-type oscillating wave surge converters
using Floquet-Bloch theory
J. Huang & R. Porter, 2024, Applied Ocean Resarch, 150 104102 doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2024.104102
Attenuation of long waves through regions of irregular floating ice and bathymetry
L. Dafydd & R. Porter, 2024, J. Fluid Mech. 996 A43, doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2024.655
A thin plate approximation for ocean wave interactions with an ice shelf
L.G. Bennetts, T. Williams & R. Porter, 2024, J. Fluid Mech. 984, A48, doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2024.200
Wave scattering by plate array metacylinders of arbitrary cross section
Hui Liang, R. Porter & Siming Zheng, 2024, J. Fluid Mech. 1001, A6
- Wave scattering by a periodic array of breakwaters
R. Porter & D.V. Evans. Proc 10th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Oxford. 1995. 197-200.
- On the optimal design of an oscillating water column device
D.V. Evans, B.P. O'Gallachoir, R. Porter & G.P. Thomas. The 2nd European Wave Power Conference, Cork. 1996. 172-178.
- Efficient Calculation of Hydrodynamic Properties of OWC-Type Devices
R. Porter & D.V. Evans Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, June 16-20, 1996, Florence, Italy.
- Recent results on trapped modes and their influence on finite arrays of vertical cylinders in waves R. Porter & D.V. Evans. Proc 12th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Marseille. 1997. 211-214.
- Prediction of resonances due to waves interacting with finite linear arrays of cylinders.
R. Porter & D.V. Evans. Proc 13th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Alphan aan der Rijn, The Netherlands. 1998. 127-130.
- Acoustic resonances about tube bundles in waveguides.
R. Porter & D.V. Evans. IUTAM Symposium 2000/10: Diffraction and Scattering in Fluid Mechanics and Elasticity. Manchester, UK.
- Trapping of waves by a submerged elliptical torus.
M. McIver & R. Porter. Proc 16th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Japan. 2001.
- Sloshing modes in a cylindrical tank containing multiple cylinders
R. Porter. Proc 17th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Cambridge, UK. 2002
- Scattering of flexural-gravity waves by multiple cracks in ice sheets floating on water of finite depth
D.V. Evans & R. Porter. Proc 18th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Le Croisic, France. 2003.
- Flexural-gravity wave diffraction by finite cracks of arbitrary shape in ice sheets
R. Porter. Proc 19th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Cortona, Italy. March 2004.
- Wave scattering by an ice sheet of variable thickness
D. Porter & R. Porter. Proc 19th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Cortona, Italy. March 2004.
- Free and forced oscillations to second order for two dimensional fluid motion in a tank with an arbitrary bed profile.
G.J.D. Chapman & R. Porter. Proc 19th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Cortona, Italy. March 2004.
- Scattering of obliquely-incident waves by submerged ridges
G.J.D. Chapman & R. Porter. Proc 20th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Lonyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway, June 2005.
- Approximations to wave scattering by steep topography
D. Porter & R. Porter. Proc 21st International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Loughborough, UK, 2006.
- Wave diffraction by a periodically constrained elastic plate floating on water.
D.V. Evans & R. Porter. Proc 21st International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Loughborough, UK, 2006.
- Edge waves along a semi-infinite thin elastic plate.
R. Porter & D.V. Evans. Euromech 481: Recent advances in the theory and application of surface and edge waves. Keele, UK, 2007.
- Examples of motion trapped modes in two or three dimensions
D.V. Evans & R. Porter. Proc 22nd International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Croatia, 2007.
- A new approximation method for scattering by large arrays
I. Thompson, C.M. Linton & R. Porter. Proc 22nd International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Croatia, 2007.
- Wave propagation across ripple beds
R. Porter, (in Minisymposium on waves in periodic and random media) Waves 2007, Reading, UK.
- Wave trapping by freely-floating circular cylinders
D.V. Evans & R. Porter. Proc 23rd International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Korea, 2008.
- Estimation of wall effects on floating cylinders
D.V. Evans & R. Porter. Proc 23rd International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Zelenogorsk, Russia, 2009.
- Wave focusing over submerged elliptical topography
R. Porter & L.S. Griffiths. Proc 25th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Harbin, China, 2010.
- Cloaking of a cylinder in waves
R. Porter. Proc 26th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Athens, Greece, 2011.
- Optimal screen arrangements for a tuned liquid damper
S.H. Crowley & R. Porter. Proc 26th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Athens, Greece, 2011.
- The new Bristol cylinder: a submerged cylinder wave energy converter
S.H. Crowley, R. Porter & D.V. Evans. Proc 27th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012.
- A novel connection between the Ursell and Dean vertical barrier potentials
R. Porter & D.V. Evans Proc 28th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Marseille, France, 2013.
- Transparency of Structures in Water Waves
D.V. Evans, M. McIver & R. Porter Proc 29th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Osaka, Japan, 2014.
- Wave Trapping and Radiation by Semi-immersed Circular Cylinders
J.R. Chaplin & R. Porter Proc 29th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Osaka, Japan, 2014.
- Total transmission through narrow gaps in channels
D.V. Evans & R. Porter Proc 30th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Bristol, 2015.
- A fully submerged flap-type wave energy converter
I. Noad & R. Porter Proc 30th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Bristol, 2015.
- Scattering of waves by thin floating plates
R. Porter, Waves 2015 (The 12th International conference on mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation), Karlsruhe.
- Wave Energy Absorption by Submerged Flap-type Oscillating Wave Surge Converters
I. Noad & R. Porter, 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 2015, Nantes.
- Mathematical modelling of the WITT wave energy converters
S.H. Crowley & R. Porter Proc 31st International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Michigan, 2016.
- Wave energy absorption by a shallow-draughted rectangular barge of oscillating water columns
I. Noad & R. Porter, Proceedings of the 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Cork, Ireland, 2017.
- Plate arrays as a water wave metamaterial
R. Porter, Proc 33rd International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Guidel-Plages, 2018.
- Extraordinary transmission past cylinders in channels
D.V. Evans, R. Porter & J.R. Chaplin, Proc 33rd International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Guidel-Plages, 2018.
- An extension to the linear shallow water equation
R. Porter, Proc 34th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Newcastle, Australia, 2019.
- Extending limits on wave power absorption by axisymmetric devices
R. Porter, S. Zheng & D. Greaves, Proc 36th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Seoul, South Korea, 2021.
- Wave power extraction from a metamaterial cylinder with internal
paddle power take off mechanism
J. Huang & R. Porter, Proc 37th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Giardini Naxos, Italy, 2022.
- Wave scattering by a large compact array of thin vertical plates
J. Huang & R. Porter, Proc 38th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 2023.
- Wave scattering by an annular metamaterial cylinder
consisting of curved plates
S. Zheng, H. Liang, R. Porter & D. Greaves, Proc 38th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 2023.
- Modelling attenuation of waves through broken ice of randomly-varying thickness
L. Dafydd & R. Porter, Proc 39th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, St. Andrews, Scotland 2024.
- Wave interaction and turbulent dissipation
of a highly-porous periodic breakwater
E. Arcondoulis & R. Porter, Proc 40th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Shanghai, China 2025.
- Wave energy extraction by a parallel array of
bottom-hinged plates
H. Liang, R. Porter & S. Zheng, Proc 40th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Shanghai, China 2025.
- Wave propagation through periodic arrays of freely floating rectangular floes
L. Dafydd & R. Porter, Proc 40th International Workshop on Water Waves & Floating Bodies, Shanghai, China 2025.