Jens Marklof's publications
- 2024 Chernov Lectures. The Lorentz gas - kinetic theory via dynamical renormalisation, Penn State University,
14-17 November 2024
- Random lattices and their applications in number theory, geometry and statistical mechanics (Lecture I, II, III) (The Infosys Chandrasekharan Random Geometry Lecture Series, TIFR Mumbai, February 2023)
- Chance and Chaos: How do predict the unpredictable, Public Lecture Kaapi with Kuriosity, Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bengaluru, India, 11 December 2022
- Quantum Lorentz gas in the Boltzmann-Grad limit: random vs periodic (Large-scale limits of interacting particle systems, IHES, October 2021)
- Fine-scale statistics in number theory, geometry and dynamics (ICERM, Brown University, June 2020)
- Course Notes: Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory
- The low-density limit of the Lorentz gas: periodic, aperiodic and random (ICM 2014, Seoul)
- Applications of measure rigidity: from number theory to statistical mechanics (Lecture I, II, III) (Simons Lectures, Stony Brook, 2013)
- Kinetic transport in crystals (ICMP 2009, Prague)
- Group Theory Course Notes (incl. all solutions) (SAVE PAPER-PRINT ONLY WHAT YOU NEED!)
- Distribution modulo one and ergodic theory (for final year undergraduates, Prospects in Mathemathics, Durham, 2006)
- Spectral theta series (DNA Seminar, Stockholm, 2006)
- Energy level statistics, lattice point problems, and ergodic theory (AHP, Paris 2005)
- Quantum maps
- Theta
- Inaugural Lecture