Jens Marklof's publications
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  1. 2024 Chernov Lectures. The Lorentz gas - kinetic theory via dynamical renormalisation, Penn State University, 14-17 November 2024
  2. Random lattices and their applications in number theory, geometry and statistical mechanics (Lecture I, II, III) (The Infosys Chandrasekharan Random Geometry Lecture Series, TIFR Mumbai, February 2023)
  3. Chance and Chaos: How do predict the unpredictable, Public Lecture Kaapi with Kuriosity, Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bengaluru, India, 11 December 2022
  4. Quantum Lorentz gas in the Boltzmann-Grad limit: random vs periodic (Large-scale limits of interacting particle systems, IHES, October 2021)
  5. Fine-scale statistics in number theory, geometry and dynamics (ICERM, Brown University, June 2020)
  6. Course Notes: Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory
  7. The low-density limit of the Lorentz gas: periodic, aperiodic and random (ICM 2014, Seoul)
  8. Applications of measure rigidity: from number theory to statistical mechanics (Lecture I, II, III) (Simons Lectures, Stony Brook, 2013)
  9. Kinetic transport in crystals (ICMP 2009, Prague)
  10. Group Theory Course Notes (incl. all solutions) (SAVE PAPER-PRINT ONLY WHAT YOU NEED!)
  11. Distribution modulo one and ergodic theory (for final year undergraduates, Prospects in Mathemathics, Durham, 2006)
  12. Spectral theta series (DNA Seminar, Stockholm, 2006)
  13. Energy level statistics, lattice point problems, and ergodic theory (AHP, Paris 2005)
  14. Quantum maps
  15. Theta
  16. Inaugural Lecture